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Практикум. unpredictable - непредсказуемый

Vocabulary List

to refer - относиться

unpredictable - непредсказуемый

to be aware - иметь ввиду

routinely - обычно

to be ill advised - дать плохой совет

to be cautious - быть осторожным

jaundice - желтуха

biliary obstruction - закупорка желчного пузыря

discoloration - обесцвечивание

photosensitivity - светобоязнь

Ex. 1. Прочитайте и скажите о чем текст, используя Vocabulary List.

Drug toxicity refers to the poisonous and potentially dangerous effects of some drugs. Idiosyncrasy is an example of an unpredictable type of drug toxicity.

Other types of drug toxicity are more predictable and based on the dosage of the drug given. If the dosage of certain drugs is increased, unfavorable effects may be produced. Physicians are trained to be aware of the potential toxic effects of all drugs they prescribe and must be cautious with their use. Disorders directly resulting from diagnostic or therapeutic efforts of a physician are known as iatrogenic, and are usually related to drug toxicity.

Side effects are toxic effects which routinely result from the use of a drug. They often occur with the usual therapeutic dosage of a drug and usually tolerated. For example, nausea, vomiting and alopecia are common side effects of the chemotherapeutic drugs used to treat cancer.

Contraindications are factors in a patient’s condition which make the use of a drug dangerous and ill advised. For example, in the presence of renal failure, it is unwise to administer a drug which is normally eliminated by the kidneys.

Among the most dangerous toxic complications of drug usage are blood dyscrasias (blood disease) such as aplastic anemia, cholestatic jaundice (biliary obstruction leading to discoloration of skin), neuropathy, collagen disorders (connective tissue damage such as arthritis) and photosensitivity (abnormal sensitivity to light).

Ex.2. Найдите в тексте информацию о:

1. idiosyncrasy;

2. reasons of other types of drug toxicity;

3. iatrogenic disorders;

4. side effects;

5. contraindications;

6. blood dyscrasia.

Ex. 3. Выразите основную мысль каждого абзаца двумя или тремя предложениями.

Ex. 4. Перескажите текст.

Text 2

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 545 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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