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Stylistic Variation and Pragmatics

The central problem of Stylistics – variation – is essentially a pragmatic one. A choice of linguistic means may be made for both semantic and stylistic reasons, but only in the latter case the choice may be said to be truly pragmatic.

The addresser selects the most effective language means for a particular situation with a particular addressee in view, but only stylistic qualities of selected language means secure the desired effect.

Consider the following sentences:

1. Would you please be quiet?

2. Will you stop talking?

3. May I ask you to stop talking?

4. Could you stop talking?

5. Be quiet.

6. Stop talking!

7. Shut up!

8. Shut your trap!

It is obvious that the semantic content of all the sentences is the same – “Stop talking”. The difference lies in the stylistic aspect. Sentences 1-7 may be described as neutral; 8-9 as slang. In terms of pragmatic far richer information may be inferred. Eg.: the very label “Slang” predetermines some pragmatic factor, viz. the relationship between the addresser and the addressee, the pragmatic content and the intended pragmatic effect. So, “shut up” indicates an unequal position of the addresser and the addressee: the former humiliates the latter. The pragmatic content in this case is rude command, and the intended effect must be humble obedience. The same goes for 9, but apart from being rude it is also vulgar. Such are some of the pragmatic implications that accompany the semantic content of 8 and 9; they are prompted by the specific stylistic marking of linguistic units.

Examples 1-7 are neutral as far as stylistic marking is concerned. Their semantic content and pragmatic goal are the same as those of 8 and 9, but they vary in pragmatic content. 1st is a polite request, showing due respect for the addressee. 2-5 are also requests of a varying degree of politeness; 3-5 poses a touch of irony; 6 and 7 are commands, but 7 is more categorical and not polite enough. So 6-9 are all commands, but they are not homogeneous. A decent speaker is unlikely to use 8 and 9.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 823 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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