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London fire Brigade of today

The London Fire Brigade (LFB) exists (існує) to protect people and property from fire. There are 113 fire stations and one river station sited (розташовані) strategically throughout (по всьому) the city. The area covered by the Brigade is divided into three Area Commands (районні управління): Southern, Eastern and Western Command. To provide round-the-clock cover, the officers of LFB organize a four shift (зміна) system at the stations. Firefighters call each shift a watch.

Capital’s firefighters attend thousands of emergency incidents. Hundreds of people owe their lives to the swift and efficient response of the LFB. The high-technology computer-assisted Control Room (пункт пожежного зв’язку) in the Command and Mobilizing Centre (командний центр) receives all emergency calls. Employees of Control Room answer 90% (per cent) of all calls to Brigade within 20 seconds. The Brigade attends every emergency call which it receives within time limits set down (встановлених) by the government.

The Brigade is a fire service first and foremost (перш за все), but it is much more besides (крім того). All incidents not involving fire we call special services. They are as follows: road, air or rail accidents, chemical incidents, underground incidents, collapsed buildings, people stuck (які застрягли) in the lifts and people trapped in the flooded premises.

The Brigade pays special attention to the first class appliances, equipment and communication systems necessary for a high and safe level of efficiency. The Brigade has more than 500 vehicles equipped with high-quality special devices. There are fire rescue and support units. The crew of each fire rescue unit consists of four or five people and attends major incidents. If firefighters need more resources at the incident, the officer-in-charge calls on various special vehicles, such as pumping appliances, aerial ladders, hydraulic platforms, mobile repair vehicles, breathing apparatus units, damage control units, hose laying units, fire investigation units.

There is also the Fire Safety Department (FSD) in London Fire Brigade. It exists to minimize loss of lives, injury to persons and damage to property from fires, natural disasters, accidents and other emergencies. Its tasks are as follows (такі): to obtain information about potential risks from fire or other disasters; to inspect buildings; to take necessary steps for the prevention of fire and for the protection against the dangers of fire or other disasters.

Thousands of people apply to become firefighters. Applicants must be 18 or more years old. Unaided eyesight and colour vision are also a necessity. Applicants fill in application forms, have written and physical tests. Initial training for newcomers (новобранці) is an intensive 20-week course at the Brigade’s training centre. Special training includes driving, aerial appliances, breathing apparatus, first aid and special rescue techniques. All the Brigade’s senior officers begin their careers as firefighters and a person can reach the post of station officer in 6 years.

Вправа 8. Дайте відповіді на питання до тексту.

1. What are the main tasks of LFB? 2. How many fire stations are there in London? 3. What incidents not involving fire do you know? 4. How many Area Commands are there in London? 5. How many vehicles does the Brigade have? 6. What special vehicles do you know? 7. What are the main tasks of the Fire Safety Department? 8. What are the main requirements (вимоги) to the future firefighters? 9. How long does the initial training for newcomers last? 10. What does special training include?

Вправа 9. Перекладіть подані слова та словосполучення:

a) a four shift system; to protect from fire; throughout the city; within time limits; set by the government; equipped with devices; level of efficiency; loss of lives; injury to people; damage to property; protection against danger; hundreds of people; thousands of incidents; training for applicants; at the training centre; the post of station officer; information about potential risks; unaided eyesight; colour vision; in 6 years; area covered by the Brigade; at the station; to be divided into 3 Commands; capital’s firefighters; 90% of all calls; people stuck in the lifts; to be trapped in flooded premises; first class appliances; necessary for protection; more than 500 vehicles; at the incident; officer-in-charge; computer-assisted; written and physical tests;

б) пожежна команда; пожежна частина; річкова частина; департамент пожежної безпеки; командний центр; пункт пожежного зв’язку; лондонські пожежники; старший офіцер; пост офіцера команди; рятувальні методи; надзвичайні випадки; природні катастрофи; авіакатастрофа; залізнична катастрофа; автокатастрофа; кандидат на навчання; затоплені приміщення; виїжджати на надзвичайні ситуації; оглядати будівлі; почати кар’єру; досягти посади; забезпечувати цілодобове покриття; захищати від вогню; розслідування пожеж; аварійний дзвінок; рятувальні операції; швидке реагування; завдячувати життям; початкова підготовка; інтенсивний курс; в межах 20 секунд; встановлений урядом; заява, районні управління.

Вправа 10. Виберіть слово, яке підходить за значенням.

1. The high-technology computer-assisted Control Room (receives, attends) all emergency calls. 2. Employees of Control Room answer 90% of all (calls, officers) to Brigade within 20 seconds. 3. The Brigade pays special (attention, application) to equipment and communication systems. 4. The officer-in-charge calls on various special (vehicles, premises). 5. There is the Fire (Safety, Service) Department in LFB. 6. FSD exists to minimize loss of lives, injury to persons and damage to (equipment, property). 7. The task of FSD is to inspect (forests, buildings). 8. Applicants must be 18 or (less, more) years old. 9. Initial training for (newcomers, officers) is an intensive 20-week course. 10. All the Brigade’s senior officers begin their (careers, lives) as firefighters.

Вправа 11. Заповніть пропуски словами, які подані нижче, поставивши їх у потрібну форму.

1. The LFB exists to protect people and … from fire. 2. London firefighters attend thousands of … incidents. 3. Firefighters call each shift a …. 4. All incidents not involving fire the officers of LFB call special …. 5. Hundreds of people owe their lives to the swift … of LFB. 6. Thousands of people … to become firefighters. 7. Applicant must have unaided …. 8. The … of fire rescue units consists of four or five people. 9. An applicant can … the post of station officer in 6 years. 10. There are more than 500 … in the Brigade.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 373 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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