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Вправа 22. Запам’ятайте подані слова та словосполучення:

to be lost заблукати, загубитися

to be far from / near бути далеко від / поруч

to go, to walk / down / up / along / йти / вниз / вгору / вздовж /

across / straight (on) через / прямо

to take the first / second turning перший / другий поворот

to the right / left направо / наліво

to get on / off сідати / виходити

to cross the street переходити вулицю

traffic lights світлофор

bus / taxi-stop зупинка автобуса / таксі

way маршрут, шлях, дорога

passer-by / stranger перехожий / приїжджий

How can I get to…? Як мені дістатися до...?

Where is the nearest hotel / bank / Де найближчий готель / банк

shop / post-office? магазин / пошта?

Not at all. / You are welcome. / That’s OK. Не варто. / Будь ласка. / Все


block квартал

Вправа 23. Прочитайте та перекладіть діалог.

- Excuse me, please.

- Yes? Can I help you?

- Can you tell me how to get to the main office of “Aval” bank, please?

- Yes, of course. Go along this street and cross it at the traffic lights. Then

take bus 26.

- And where is the nearest bus stop?

- Go straight on and you can see it on your left.

- Is it far?

- No, it’s a five minutes’ walk from here.

- Thanks a lot.

- Not at all.

Вправа 24. Поставте подані репліки в логічній послідовності.

Academy of Fire Safety? Go to the supermarket and then take a bus.

About half an hour, I think.

You see I’m a stranger here. How do I get to the supermarket?

And what stop must I go to?

Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Academy of Fire Safety?

Bus 7.

One more thing, how long does it take me to get to the Academy?

Go straight along this street and turn left at the traffic lights, keep straight on a little way and that brings you to the supermarket. You can’t miss it.

I must hurry (поспішити) then. Many thanks.

And what bus do I take when I get there?

You’re welcome.

Onopriyenko Street. Ask the bus conductor to tell you when you get there.

Вправа 25. Заповніть пропуски в діалозі репліками, поданими нижче.

- …, miss. Am I right for the town centre?

- No, … … …. Then ask again.

- …?

- Yes, it’s quite a long way from here.

- …?

- Bus 31 takes you there.

- …?

- About 20 minutes.

- ….

- That’s OK.

Is it too far to walk? Thank you. Excuse me. What bus do I take to get there? How long does it take me? You must turn to the left and go straight on.

Вправа 26. Перекладіть діалог.

- Вибачте, будь ласка. Я – приїжджий і я заблукав.

- Я можу Вам допомогти?

- Скажіть будь ласка, як мені пройти до готелю «Дніпро»?

- Це п’ять кварталів звідси.

- Мені сідати на автобус?

- Ні, не треба. Йдіть вздовж вулиці до світлофора. Ви бачите його?

- Так.

- Потім поверніть наліво біля світлофора, пройдіть три квартали. Перший поворот праворуч і готель зліва від вас.

- Він далеко звідси?

- Ні, зовсім поруч.

- Дуже дякую.

- Не варто.


Вправа 27. Поставте дієслово в дужках у теперішній неозначений час.

1. She (to study) at the Academy of Fire Safety. 2. The Cabinet of Ministers (to control) directly the unified system of civil protection. 3. Firefighters (to evacuate) population in case of emergency. 4. Three higher educational establishments (to train) cadets to be highly skilled firemen. Our cadets and students (to use) an electronic library or a reading room. 6. The workers of CPS (to manage) all types of emergencies. 7. During the rescue operation the firefighters (to help) lightly and heavily trapped victims. 8. Civil Protection Service actively (to cooperate) with different firefighting organizations in the world. 9. The employees of CPS (to give) the first aid to victims. 10. The effective prevention of fires (to depend) on modern equipment and professional education of firefighters.

Вправа 28. Виберіть потрібну форму дієслова із дужок.

1. The firefighters often (uses, use) fire hoses to extinguish the fire. 2. The threat to people’s lives and health constantly (increase, increases). 3. The rescuers immediately (save, saves) lightly trapped victims. 4. As a rule disaster (ruin, ruins) many buildings. 5. Firefighters (apply, applies) scientific achievements in training and practice. 6. A careful inspection (prevents, prevent) many serious fires. 7. The employees of CPS (controls, control) chemical or gas leakage. 8. This employee of the Scientific and Research Institute of Fire Safety (test, tests) products and services. 9. A firefighter (take, takes) the initiative to solve different problems. 10. The Scientific and Research Institute of Fire Safety (develop, develops) new materials.

Вправа 29. Зробіть подані речення заперечними та поставте до них всі види питань.

1. Her brother works at the Fire Safety Department. 2. He studies at Lviv State University of Vital Activity Safety. 3. They always use protective breathing equipment. 4. He carries out scientific and research work. 5. They study at the faculty of operational activity. 6. Verhovna Rada controls directly the unified system of CPS. 7. Cabinet of Ministers provides psychological protection of population. 8. The effective prevention of fires depends only on modern equipment. 9. He wants to enter the Academy of Fire Safety. 10. The firefighters use this type of ladders.

Вправа 30. Зробіть подані речення заперечними.

1. He is a student. 2. My friends enter Kharkiv University of Civil Protection. 3. This place is safe. 4. These fire ladders are dirty. 5. The International organization “Green Peace” fights fires and natural disasters. 6. She has a possibility (можливість) to become a fire inspector. 7. The firefighters always use fire hoses. 8. Verhovna Rada provides medical protection of population. 9. Cadets manage all types of emergencies. 10. The rescuers permit themselves and their clothing to touch the live wires.

Вправа 31. Поставте питання до виділених слів.

1. Fire and rescue units respond to any emergency or fire. 2. Civil Protection Service provides rescue and humanitarian assistance abroad. 3. Evacuation of population during emergency situations is one of the basic protective measures. 4. The horrible (жахливі) accidents happen (трапляються) every day. 5. There are four classes of fires. 6. The firefighter moves the child to a safe place. 7. Firefighters give the first aid to victims. 8. He is a fire inspector. 9. These officers have high professional skills in fire safety. 10. The rescuers always use protective breathing equipment in gaseous areas.

Вправа 32. Виправте помилки у поданих реченнях. Поясніть.

1. CPS are one of the units of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. 2. There is many basic preventive measures of civil protection service. 3. The threat to people’s lives and health constantly increases, doesn’t she? 4. CPS take measures to reduce ruinous consequences of various disasters. 5. Their sister does not save many people, does he? 6. The worker of CPS solve different tasks and problems. 7. The rescuers takes all possible measures not to be injured with electricity. 8. Size-up include manpower, rescue equipment and plan of action. 9. There are lightly and heavily trapped victim. 10. Rescue operations is speedy and safe.

Вправа 33. Перекладіть подані речення на англійську мову.

1. Вогнеборці борються з пожежами та природними катастрофами. 2. Пожежа має руйнівні наслідки для багатьох людей. 3. Наш уряд приділяє багато уваги пожежній безпеці. 4. Основне завдання працівників служби цивільного захисту – захищати життя, здоров’я та майно людини від різних видів небезпек. 5. Пожежники попереджають та ліквідовують наслідки надзвичайних ситуацій. 6. Існує декілька способів евакуації людей з палаючого будинку. 7. Пожежники використовують спеціальні інструменти та обладнання у своїй роботі. 8. Пожежник завжди ризикує своїм життям, щоб врятувати людей та їхнє майно від вогню. 9. Вогнеборець – це небезпечна професія. 10. Її брат хоче стати рятувальником.

Вправа 34. Поставте розділові питання до речень.

1. The firefighters manage all types of emergencies. 2. This operation is not extremely dangerous. 3. The workers of CPS take all possible measures to protect themselves and others. 4. The effective prevention of fires does not only depend on modern equipment. 5. The Academy trains engineers of fire safety. 6. The firefighters do not only get skills in fire control. 7. Their son is a cadet. 8. They are not first-year cadets. 9. A fireman uses a fire hose to fight fires. 10. There are different kinds of rescue tools and equipment.

Вправа 35. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи потрібну форму дієслів.

1. Civil Рrotection Service (to fight) fires and other dangers to human life, health, property. 2. The profession of the firefighter (to be) very dangerous. 3. (To want) your brother to become a fireman? 4. Where (to be) the Academy situated? 5. They not (to react) to people’s trouble. 6. Who (to give) the first aid to victims? 7. The fire inspector (to have) good knowledge of building construction. 8. These special educational establishments (to train) highly-qualified officers. 9. Cadets and students (to get) knowledge in fire prevention and administration. 10. (To be) there many specialized laboratories at the University?

Вправа 36. Перефразуйте подані словосполучення, використавши присвійний відмінок іменника.

Тhe duties of the firefighter; lives and health of people; the rescue of the victim; the protective equipment of rescuers; the faculties of the Аcademy; the profession of his father; the education of personnel; the hospitalization of children; the tasks of the employee; the gloves of this cadet.


Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 232 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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