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Тема 2. Економіка США

Ситуація 1. Складіть історію із наступних фрагментів, але ви, як оповідач, віддаєте перевагу офіційним і лаконічним висловлюванням:

coast, mining, shipped, the landscape, livestock, to research, gold, fertile land, raised

1. We need to study the market of the US East Coast.

2. A large area of countryside is dotted with the tents of campers and hikers; it is a popular US resort.

3. We have spent a nice day in the place where the land meets the sea.

4. You should buy this necklace; valuable, shiny yellow metal looks good on people with dark hair.

5. Getting coal from under the ground is one of the country’s main industries, they have also developed their specific work style.

6. In these states 800 acres of rich land are able to produce good crops and are dedicated to corn.

7. He bred cattle in Nebraska when he was young, thus he became rich.

8. Farmers of Iowa and Illinois specialize in raising animals such as cows, sheep and pigs; their families have done it for the life-time.

9. In the USA toxic waste is sent away into predesignated areas; they check carefully the process.

Ситуація 2. Якщо ваш клієнт не пізнає слово англійською мовою, то ви звертаєтесь до фонетичного письма, в якому наступні слова виглядають як:

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Ситуація 3. Деяким людям до вподоби точні формулювання, у такому разі вони наступні вислови замінять на інші:

суднобудування, сільськогосподарський район, вугільний басейн, космічні дослідження, вугільна шахта, родючість, географічне положення

1. A special investigation into space in order to collect information about the conditions there is called…………..

2. The industry involved in building ships is known as ………………...

3. Location of the countries, oceans, rivers, mountains and cities on the land surface is generalized by the word……………….

4. An area where there are layers of coal under the ground that are suitable for mining has received the name of ………….

5. A place where coal is dug up from under the ground is usually called ………...

6. A large area of land for growing crops or keeping animals is known to be ……………….

7. …………..is the name for the ability of the land or soil to produce a lot of good crops or plants.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 153 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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