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Food, meat, textile, yields, crops, types of livestock, source, dedicated, engaged

Three quarters of United Kingdom’s land is ………… to agriculture. About two per cent of the population are ……….in agriculture, but the ……… of English farms are very high. Wheat, barley, oats and potatoes are the most important ………. grown. Sheep, cattle and pigs are the most numerous ………... Sheep is a …….. of both wool for …….. and mutton for ……. industry. Mutton is the best liked English ………...

Ситуація 6. Будьте готові дати відповіді на запитання професійного інтерв’ю стосовно економічного розвитку Великої Британії:

1. In the past English knew much about coal, why?

2. UK cars are very good, is it true? Give your reasons.

3. Why young British people dream about high technology industries?

4. Why people in the world watch what the British do on their land?

5. Do British need many people in agriculture?

6. What crop fields can you find in the UK?

7. Why many farmers want to buy British cows and sheep?

Ситуація 7. Виберіть правильну форму англійського дієслова:

1. The English go / goes in for sports.

2. The academic year in Britain starts / start in October.

3. Students of our school wear / wears uniform.

4. I leave / leaves home for the train to London at 7.40 a.m.

5. Farmers usually go / goes to bed before 10 for the early rise.

6. He am / is / are never late to milk the cows.

7. Sometimes we play / plays chess in the pub.

8. They spends / spend their weekends at the seaside.

Ситуація 8. Виберіть заперечну форму англійського дієслова:

1. The English don’t / doesn’t eat cats, they love them.

2. On the British Isles they never / often eat uncooked meat.

3. The gala don’t / doesn’t start at 7.30 today.

4. On some days in Britain, the sun doesn’t / don’t appear out of the clouds.

5. Mice don’t / doesn’t catch cats.

6. The River Thames doesn’t / don’t flow into the Pacific Ocean.

Ситуація 9. Напишіть запитання до речень. Речення починайте із питальних слів поданих у дужках:

Examples: Mr. Black plays tennis. (How often?) How often does Mr. Black play tennis?

His wife gets up in the morning to make breakfast for him. (What time/usually?) What time does his wife usually get up in the morning to make breakfast for him?

1. Their daughter Ann watches television all day long. (How often a week?) ……………………..

2. Mrs. Black complains to her parents about her children. (How often?) ……………………..

3. I have dinner in the evening at their place. (What time/usually?) …………………….

4. Mr. Black works in one of the banks in the City of London. (Where?)


5. I go to the swimming baths with Mrs. Black twice a week. (How often?) ……………………..

6. Mrs. Black does stupid things, her husband thinks so. (What?) ……………………….

7. Mr. Black’s car breaks down. Mrs. Black thinks it is because of her husband (Why?) ……………………..

Ситуація 10. Заповніть англійські речення поданими нижче словами. Ви можете використовувати слова більше, ніж один раз:

get, become, change, rise, improve, fall, increase

Example: The population of the world is rising very fast.

1. The number of people without jobs in Glasgow ………at the moment.

2. The proprietor of the firm is still ill but he …………………… better slowly.

3. At the seaside resorts food …………. more and more expensive.

4. The English speaking world ……………. Things never stay the same.

5. The cost of living in London………. Every day things are dearer.

6. Mr. George has gone to work in China. When he arrived, his Chinese wasn’t very good but now it ………………..

7. The economic situation in shipbuilding areas is already very bad and it ……………worse.

Ситуація 11. Прочитайте розмову між містером Бобом і містером Потом. Поставте подані у дужках дієслова у потрібній формі:

Mr. Bob and Mr. Pot meet in a pub:

Mr. Bob: Hello, Pot. I haven’t seen you for ages. What (1) are you doing…(you/do) these days?

Mr. Pot: I (2) …………….. (train) to be a shop assistant.

Mr. Bob: Really? (3) ………………. (you/enjoy) it?

Mr. Pot: Yes, it’s quite interesting, especially when there is nothing else to do. How about you?

Mr. Bob: Well, I (4) ………….. (not/work) at the moment, but I’m very busy. I (5) ……… (build) a house and …………. (grow) the garden.

Mr. Pot: Really? (6) ………………. (you/do) it alone?

Mr. Bob: No, some friends of mine, especially girlfriends (7) ………………… (help) me.

Ситуація 12. Людина, яка промовляє наступні фрази, часом, не могла згадати деякі англійські сова. Допоможіть їй/йому знайти їх:

In the past English industrial (багатство)……………… rested on a few important products, such as textiles, coal and heavy machinery. Now high (технологічні)……………. industries are more developed than heavy engineering. Heavy engineering and other traditional industries have (переживали)………….. a certain decline. The Midlands, or the central (графства)……………. of England, are famous for the production of (машинобудування).......…, coal, motor cars and (хімікатів)……………...

London, the capital of the UK, is a big (порт) …………… on the River Thames, a major (комерційний)…........., (промисловий)………………… centre. Leeds is a centre of (тканинної)……. industry producing woolen (вироби)………...

Liverpool on the River Mersey is a (мукомельний)…………. …………. and (машинобудівний)……… centre. Birmingham is an (заліза)……….. and (сталі)………….. centre. Manchester is famous for (текстильною)………… manufacturing.

Ситуація 13. А. Для виступу перед економістами ви зробили такі нотатки:

· промисловість Великобританії (prosperity, to rest on, textiles, coal, heavy machinery, a great variety, heavy and light industry, chemical, aircraft, electrical automobile, manufacturing nation, high technology industries, to experience, decline);

· її сільське господарство (to dedicate, to be engaged in, yields, farms, pastures, wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, crops, sheep, cattle, pigs, livestock, source, wool, mutton, meat);

· порти Великобританії (a major commercial, industrial centre, shipbuilding industry);

· міста Великобританії (to be famous for, coal industry, clothing industry, woolen articles, flour milling, engineering centre, iron, steel, textiles manufacturing).

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 329 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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