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Formal and Informal Telephone Conversation

The language used for speaking on the telephone is basically very similar to that of ordinary conversation, but limited in certain important respects by the special situation, which imposes a number of restrictions. Attention may be called to some of the chief differences between formal and informal telephone conversations. The most notable difference is that a formal telephone conversation is conducted as much more formal level because the people speaking are taking care to maintain the high level of politeness usually felt appropriate in this kind of discussion. Another difference is that the formal discussion is very precise and factual, keeping to the point and never straying off into the chatty vagueness which is found at times in informal telephone conversation.

Finally, there is of source a considerable difference in the vocabulary, which more technical terms than one would expect to find in the average informal telephone conversation, and a mixture of formal and informal words and phrases. Informal chatty telephone calls usually take place between friends who have nothing in particular to discuss and are simply engaging in a bit of social pleasantness. In this kind of telephone conversation there is a great deal of information idioms.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 1083 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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