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Immigration and customs

As in most countries, going through customs in the USA is a two-part process. First, you will encounter an agent of the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (INS), who will want to see your passport and visa. At some airports, especially New York, Miami, Los-Angeles, these agents are multi-lingual. However, you should be prepared to use English as much as possible.

Travellers from most countries (Western Europe, Canada, Japan) can pick up a visa at the border when they reach the USA. If you are unsure about this, it is a good idea to check with your US Consulate.

Your visa will valid for 90 days and cannot be extended. Shortly before you arrive in the USA, you will be given a small white I-94 card on board the plane. After you will out the card, you will gave it to the INS agent at the airport. He will keep one copy and the other copy will be stapled in your passport. The I-94 card is a record of your arrival and departure dates. The date of your departure is the date when the card expired. You will give up the I-94 when you leave the USA.

If you anticipate spending more than 90 days in the United States of America, you should apply for B-1/ B-2 visa. This visa can be extended for up to one year. It is primarily intended for business persons and tourists.

You soon discover that the United States, while racially and ethnically diverse, is basically a monolingual country. If you plan to travel in the U.S. or to interact extensively with Americans, you will want to know as much English as possible. Most Americans are friendly and outgoing. They will usually go out of their way to help you if you have a question or a problem.

When going U.S. Customs, be calm and patient. Try your best to communicate with the agents. Don’t be concerned if you are asked to open your suitcases.

1. Who will want to see your passport?

2. Where can travellers from Western Europe pick up a visa?

3. When do you have to check with US Consulate?

4. How long will your visa valid for?

5. What card will you be given before you arrive on the USA?

6. What should you do if you anticipate spending more than 90 days in the USA?

7. What visa can be extended for up to one year?

8. Is the USA a monolingual country?

9. Most Americans are friendly, aren’t they?

10. What must you behave when going US Customs?


U.S. Customs Inspector Harry Standish arrived at Customs inspection station number seven. Shortly before that, a red light on a wall panel near the centre of the big Customs Hall indicated that an inspecting officer had a problem and needed supervisory help. Most of the passengers, who had arrived abroad a Scandinavian Airlines DC-8 from Copenhagen, had cleared Customs and had left. Only this well-dressed American woman, Mrs. Harriet Mossman, who had just returned from a month in England France and Denmark, insisted that all she had bought in Europe was some perfume, costume jewellery, and shoes. The total declared value was ninety dollars – ten dollars less than she was allowed duty-free.

The young officer had been suspicious. To begin with, the dresses – six, all of good quality – had their labels removed. The cut of the dresses was unmistakably French, so was the tailoring of the fur coat. The same thing was true of the three expensive sweaters. They also were without labels, and were unmistakably from Scotland, in typical British shades, not available in the United States. All this, and much else, Customs officers learned as part of their training.

“Madam”, Inspector Standish said, “is there anything else you wish to declare?”. Mrs. Mossman answered indignantly. “There certainly isn’t!”

“In that case, Madam”, Inspector Standish said, “will you kindly open your handbag!”. The woman protested, “But surely, purses are never inspected. I’ve been through Customs many times…” “Normally, they are not. But we do have the right.”

Reluctantly, Mts. Mosspan opened her purse. Harry Standish inspected a lipstick and a gold compact. When he probed the powder in the compact, he extracted a diamond and ruby ring. There was a tube of hand lotion, partially used. When he pressed the tube near the top, there was something hard inside. He wondered when smugglers would come up with something original. Such old trick. He had seen them all many times. He thought of the foolishness of Mrs. Mossman and the many like her. Had she been honest about the coat and dresses, and declared them the duty payable would not have been great, especially for someone who was clearly well-to-do. Certainly her handbag would not have been opened and she wouldn’t have been caught red-handed.



- Your passport, please. How long are you planning to stay in the country?

- Three weeks. Could I prolong my entrance visa in case of necessity?

- Sure. The receiving party shall take care of it. Can you put your bags on the table, and your customs forms, please.

- How much do they weight?

- 23 kilos. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to pay an excess luggage charge.

- Oh, It’s only 3 kilos overweight.

- Yes, sir…that’s £6… Thank you. Have your anything to declare?

- Pardon?

- Alcohol, cigarettes, fresh fruit, plants…?

- Uh, no.

- Open your suitcase, please. Any gifts?

- Only one bottle of vine.

- All right. It’s duty free. As you probably know, it’s forbidden to bring in more than two bottles of alcohol and two blocks of cigarettes to England. And no limitation to as currency. Here’s your form.

- Thank you.

- Not at all. Next, please.


- Anything to declare, sir?

- Let me see… This yellow pack, what is it? Ah, yes, 200 cigarettes – and a bottle of cologne in my grey bag. Everything is for my personal use, of course.

- No problem. That’s it, sir. You can exist through the sliding doors.

- Thanks. Have a nice day!

- Thank you, you too.


- You arrive at Atlanta’s Hartsfield Intrnational Airport after a long flight.

- You live the plane and enter the airport terminal/

- You follow the signs to U.S.Immigration and Customs and go into a large roon.

- You stand in line with other non-US citizens.

- Finally, it’s your turn.

- You are about to have your first conversation with an American.

IMMIGRATION AGENT: Good afternoon. May I see your passport, please?

YOU: Yes, here it is. And here is my visa.

IMMIGRATION AGENT: Thank you. You have a tourist visa for three months.

YOU: Yes, that’s right. I plan to travel some in the USA.

IMMIGRATION AGENT: Where are you going?

YOU: I’m going to spend some time in Atlanta. After that, I am going to Washington, Chicago, and California.

IMMIGRATION AGENT: All right. Enjoy your stay!

The Immigration Agent gives you a card. You must now go through U.S. Customs with your luggage which you pick up the Baggage Claim area. You present the card the Immigration Agent gave you. The Custom Agent smiles and says:

CUSTOMS AGENT: Hi! Anything to declare?

YOU: Excuse me? I don’t understand.

CUSTOMS AGENT: Do you have any valuables or alcohol to declare?

YOU: No, nothing at all.

CUSTOMS AGENT: O. K. You can go ahead.

YOU: Thank you.


- Are you British?

- No, I’m Ukrainian.

- Which flight have you just arrived on?

- From Lviv, Ukraine.

- Your passport, sir? Thank you. Have you anything to declare?

- No, I haven’t.

- You realise that Britain impose severe penalties for drugs smuggling.

- Oh, I haven’t got anything like that.

- Would you mind opening this suitcase? What have you got in this bag?

- Only my personal effects and a box of chocolates.

- That’s fine. Thank you.


1. passport/ officer/ my/ an/ checked/ immigration

2. declare/ to/ anything/ got/ you/ have/?

3. have/ I/ visa/ a/ for/ tourist/ months/ three

4. you/ Agent/ a/ gives/ Immigration/ card/

5. suitcase/ you/ would/ this/?/ mind/ opening

6. is/ declaration/ my/ here/ customs


Luggage, show, cigarette, personal, declare, duty, suitcase, pieces

- Will you……your things, please?

- Yes, here they are. I have two……: this suitcase and some hand……

- Do you have anything to…….?

- No, I don’t. I have five packs of …….., though.

- This quantity is not liable to….. And what do you have in your ……?

- Only things for ……..use.


Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2015-09-18; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 589 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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