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Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to Absolute Participle Clause

  My colleague being away, I had to take the decision myself. Оскільки мій товариш по роботі був відсутній, мені довелося самому прийняти рішення. We continued our work, with our laboratory assistants helping us. Ми продовжували свою роботу, а наші лаборанти допомагали нам.  

1. My boss being away, I didn’t go to work. 2. The disk removed, the computer can be switched off. 3. The new browser having been studied in detail, the committee decided to introduce it at the exhibition. 4. My colleague being away, I had to take the decision myself. 5. There being many people in the conference hall, we couldn’t enter. 6. We continued our work, with our laboratory assistants helping us. 7. The new wireless network is very expensive, we hardly buy it. 8. The technology designed, we made a great progress in the field of IT. 9. The research being carried out, the virus can’t destroy our equipment. 10. Other protecting systems being cumbersome, we use the old one. 11. The new software having been installed, I felt a sort of satisfaction. 12. With the new virus being created, we need the patches for Windows. 13. With a sound generated every time you destroy one of the enemies, the game becomes more interesting. 14. The computer crashed, I lost all my afternoon’s work. 15. The information stored, you can access it any time you need it.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 693 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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