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Task 4. Fill in the blanks choosing from the variants given

1. A backup is usually … (detected/stored) on a different storage medium from the original files.

2. A workable alternative to a full system backup is a … (selective/overall) backup that contains only your most important data files.

3. Storing your backups at a different locations is … (not a good/the best) idea.

4. The backup device you select depends on … (how much data you can afford to lose/the value of your data/your current equipment and your budget).

5. A full-system backup … (can be done in no time/takes a lot of time).

6. Under normal use most people schedule … (an everyday backup/once-a-week backup).

Task 5. Match the beginnings and the endings of the instructions/steps given and put them into correct order.

1. Your backup schedule depends on a) that is tailored to your particular computing needs.
2. No single backup plan fits b) most people schedule a once-a-week backup.
3. You can’t always prevent data disasters c) how much data you can afford to use.
4. You must devise your own backup plan d) everyone’s computing style or budget.
5. Under normal use e) but at least store them in a room apart from your computer.
6. The best idea is storing your backups at a different location f) so you need a backup plan that helps you recover data that’s been wiped out.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 675 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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