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Exercise 5. Choose the right variant from the words in brackets

1. My brother has got (a lot, a lot of, much) stamps in his collection but I have (few, little, a little) in (my, mine, our).

2. The article (publish) in tomorrow's newspaper. I'll bring you the paper if I (be able) to buy it.

3. The accident looked (serious, seriously), but fortunately (somebody, nobody, anybody) (injure).

4. Where did you buy (this, these, that) trousers? - I bought (it, them, that) in the (near) department store some days ago. They still (sell) (they, them, it). I just (be) there.

5. Oh, Kate! I'm glad to see you. I (not, see) you for ages. You look (nice, nicely) and (happy, happily) today. - I feel much (good) than yesterday. I (work) hard this term and by the end of next week I (pass) all my exams, then I (go) on holiday.

6. I asked my teacher if we (be able) to read (a/an, the, -) English books in (a/an, the, -) original soon.

7. I hope you (inform) us when the documents (sing) (with, by) the boss.

8. The secretary (know) when the president (take) the final decision (at, by, on) this issue?

9. I want to know if the latest model of refrigerators you are going to produce (be) of higher quality (than, then) the previous one.

10. He asked the manager if they (settle) the price problem (by, in, through) the end of next month.

11. She didn't even ask me if I (help) her to do (these, this) translation, and I didn't know when I (have) spare time to do it.

12. The girl asked her mother when she (buy) her (the other, another) parrot, as their old one (fly) away.

13. The manager asked (a/an, the, -) secretary if she (be able to) arrange everything herself for the reception of the foreign delegation.

14. My friend wanted to know if I (buy) a flat in a new district or in (a/an, the, -) centre of the city. But as I (not, save up) for any of them yet, I told him (something, nothing, few) about my plans.

15. The guide asked the tourists if they (want) to see the sights of (a/an, the, —) Tower when they (arrive) (to, in, at) London.


Projects. Choose and perform one of the projects given.

1. Select one of the following statements and argue for or against it:

- People have the “right” to hone their computing skills by breaking into computers.

- A person who creates a virus is perfectly justified in releasing it if the purpose is to make everyone aware of these security breaches.

- Computer crimes are no different from other crimes, and computer criminals should be held responsible for the damage they cause.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 794 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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