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Task 3. Translate the following phrases into English. Use the text if necessary

дослідницька група; робоча станція; переміщуючи на екрані; графічний інтерфейс користувача; тривимірне зображення; іновації; мав вплив; роздільна здатність; плоский екран; середовище;

Task 4. Define the following terms:

graphical user interface, desktop, easy-to-use interface, rendering, desk accessories, display, 3D user interface, icon, browse, resolution, menu, move around the screen, move up, move down, press the key, drop-down menu, windows, buttons, icons, manipulate images, compositing, without losing quality, addition of menus, to type in all the commands, old bulletin board communications program, post messages, reply to other people's messages, letter key, number key, to be successfully marketed, drawing programs, image-editing programs, computer art, digital art.

Task 5. What do the following abbreviations stand for?


Task 6. Complete this extract from a wiki entry about Windows Vista.

improvement visual developed vulnerability tools networking viruses features

Windows Vista is an operating system 1….. by Microsoft for use on personal computers. Developmentwas completed on November 8, 2006; over the next three months it was released in stages to computer manufacturers, business customers, and shops. On January 30, 2007, it was released worldwide to the general public, and was made available for purchase and download direct from Microsoft. The release of Windows Vista comes more than five years after the introduction of Windows XP.

Vista contains hundreds of new and improved 2…... The most significant include an updated GUI and 3….. style called Windows Aero, improved search features, new multimedia creation 4….., and completely redesigned 5….., audio, print, and display sub-systems. However, perhaps the greatest 6….. has been to security. Windows XP suffered from 7….. to 8….. and malware, and it will be interesting to see to what extent this has been addressed in Vista.

Task 7. Choose the correct answer:

1. GUI a) graphic user interface; b) graphical user interface; c) graphical users interface;

2. OS a) operating system; b) operation system; c) operating systematisation;

3. WIMP a) windows, information, menus, pointer; b) windows, icons, memory, pointer; c) windows, icons, menus, pointer.

Task 8. Which elements of a GUI would you need to click on to carry out the following tasks?

1. To open a letter that you’d been writing in Word.

a) document icon; b) program icon.

2. To launch your internet browser software.

a) folder icon; b) program icon.

3. To move up and down through a window.

a) drop-down menu; b) scroll bar.

4. To restart or shut down your computer.

a) menu bar; b) hard drive icon.

5. To find out how much space is left on your C: drive.

a) program icon; b) hard drive icon.


Improvements arrived with the addition of menus and the use of the arrow keys to move around the screen. This is much better than having to type in all the commands.

The example to the right is of an old bulletin board communications program. People would post messages and reply to other people's messages.

Notice the list of commands in the pop-up menu in the centre. You would use the arrow keys to move up and down the list and then press the Enter key to execute the command. Various menus were usually available by using the ALT key in combination with a letter or number key.

Graphical Interface

A graphical user interface (GUI - sometimes pronounced GOO-ee) uses pictures to make it easier for the user. It is user friendly.

The use of drop-down menus, windows, buttons, and icons was first successfully marketed by Apple on the Macintosh computer. These ideas are now as standard for graphical interfaces as door knobs are for doors.

Computer graphics are pictures and drawings produced by computer. There are two main categories:

Raster graphics, or bitmaps, are stored as a collection of pixels. The sharpness of an image depends on the density of pixels, or resolution. For example, text or pictures that are scaled up – that is, made bigger – may show jagged edges, paint and photo – editing programs like Adobe Photoshop focus on the manipulation of bitmaps. Popular raster formats are JPEG, GIF and TIFF.

Vector graphics represent images through the use of geometric objects, such as lines, curves and polygons, based on mathematical equations. They can be changed or scaled without losing quality. Vector data can be handled by drawing programs like Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw or Macromedia Freehand. EPS is the most popular file format for exchanging vector drawings.

Almost all computer users use some form of graphics. Home users and professional artists use image-editing programs to manipulate images. For example, you can add filters (special effects) to your favourite photos, or you can composite images. Compositing is combining parts of different images to create a single image. Graphic artists and designers use drawing programs to create freehand drawings and illustrations for books or for the Web.

Businesspeople use presentation graphics to make information more interesting visually – graphs and diagrams can be more effective ways of communicating with clients than lists of figures. Electrical engineers use CAD (Computer Aided Design) software to develop, model and test car designs before the actual parts are made. This can save a lot of time and money. CAD is also used in the aerospace, architecture and industrial sector to design everything from airplanes and buildings to consumer products. Designers start a project by making a wireframe, a representation showing the outlines of all edges in a transparent drawing. They then specify and fill the surfaces to give the appearance of a 3-D solid object with volume. This is known as solid modelling. Next, they add paint, colour and filters to achieve the desired “look and feel”: this is called texturing the object. Finally, they render the object to make it look real. Rendering includes lighting and shading as well as effects that simulate shadows and reflections.

Computer art, or digital art, is used in adverts and TV programmes. Artists and scientists use special graphic applets to create amazing fractals. Fractals are geometrical patterns that are repeated at small scales to generate irregular shapes, some of which describe objects from nature. Government agencies use GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to understand geographical data and then plan the use of land or predict natural disasters. Cartographers use GIS to make detailed maps. Animators use computer animation software to create animated cartoons or add effects in movies and video games.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1349 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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