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Exercise 2. Countable and for uncountable nouns. Underline the correct word

1. She has had love/a love horses since she was a little girl.

2. I can’t sleep if I drink coffee/a coffee at night.

3. I went skiing for the first time this year; it’s experience/an experience that I’ll never forget.

4. I’ve just heard a/some very good news about Emma and Bill.

5. Lisa’s got a / an towel.

6. Ana’s got a / some rucksack.

7. Lucia’s got an / some insect repellent.

8. Javi hasn’t got some / any sunglasses.

9. Antonio’s got a / some swimming costume.

10. Ignacio hasn’t got any / some sandwiches.

Exercise 3. Which sentence is right in each pair?

1. Get some glass out for dinner/ Get some glasses out for dinner.

2. He visited lots of capital in Europe/ He visited lots of capitals in Europe.

3. I bought some wood/ I bought some woods.

4. I can’t stand the bad language on TV/ I can’t stand the bad languages on TV.

5. I did lots of revision before my test/ I did lots of revisions before my test.

6. I got some interest from the bank/ I got some interests from the bank.

7. I like to have some fire in my house/ I like to have a fire in my house.

8. I walked so far I had to put some plaster on my feet/ I walked so far I had to put some plasters on my feet.

9. I watched some drama last weekend/ I watched some dramas last weekend.

10. I wrote my experience on my CV/ I wrote my experiences on my CV.

11. Some light came through the window/ Some lights came through the window.

12. Some life was lost/ Some lives were lost.

13. The teacher made me do some exercise for homework/ The teacher made me do some exercises for homework.

14. Watch some television/ Watch some televisions.

15. We bought 200 tons of iron/ We bought 200 tons of irons.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1699 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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