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Exercise 4. A) Scan the text one more time, in order to find and copy to your notebook its parts which answer the following questions

A) Scan the text one more time, in order to find and copy to your notebook its parts which answer the following questions, presented in written form by your Russian chief who would like to have the list of some major facts in English.

1. Для каких видов работ предназначены трактора с высокой мощностью двигателя?

2. Почему большинство современных тракторов называют “универсальными”?

3. Какие требования предъявляются к кабине тракториста?

4. Какова типичная колесная формула тракторов сельскохозяйственного назначения?

5. Какие трактора наиболее популярны в Англии?

6. Двигателями какого типа оборудуется большая часть тракторов?

B) Basing on the text, and employing your own agricultural experience and knowledge, provide extended responses to the provided questions.

When presenting your answers, resort to the useful speech combinations from the following list.

I know only that …; I believe that …; I’d like to tell you that …; If I’ve got that right …; What is more, ….

1. When was the first internal combustion engine used in the USA?

2. What power unit is accepted for most tractors and automobiles?

3. What characterizes the most popular British farm tractors?

4. How do manufacturers comfort the driver’s work?

5. What auxiliary electrical and mechanical devices is the modern tractor provided with?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 220 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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