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Повторение лексико-грамматического материала уроков 10 – 18

I. Прочтите следующие слова, назовите части речи и переведите:

artificial, rapidly, direction, locate, environment, considerable, growth, vision, investigate, development, directly, condition, participate, feature, capacity, possible, mental, unconditioned, disappear, protective, complicate, readiness, generally, treatment, successful

II. Прочтите и распределите следующие слова по группам:

1. the parts of the bone and muscular system

2. the parts of the cardio-vascular system

3. the parts of the respiratory system

4. the parts of the alimentary tract

5. the parts of the nervous system

breastbone, salivary glands, medulla, joint, tongue, vital capacity, spine, septum, thigh, intestine, extremity, valve, brain, ileum, stomach, shoulder, vein, trunk, tissue, lobe, liver, cartilage, atrium, gallbladder, skull, vessel, mediastinum, ventricle, lung, forebrain, muscle, kidney, cerebellum

III. Закончите предложения:

1. Anatomy studies the …

2. The skeleton of the head is called the …

3. … are the largest vertebrae in the body.

4. The heart consists of two separate chambers divided by the …

5. … is formed by the vessels carrying blood to and from the lungs.

6. In the left chamber the atrium and the ventricle are separated by the …

7. The lungs are the main organs of the …

8. The lungs are separated from each other by the …

9. The … of the lungs is about 3-4 litres.

10. The … is the largest gland in the human body.

11. Duodenum, jejunum and ileum are the portions of the …

12. The … is in the upper part of the abdomen under the diaphragm.

13. Blood is a … tissue.

14. The most numerous cellular elements of blood are …

15. The average human blood … is about 7.5 – 10% of the body weight.

16. The … consists of about 12 billion of cells.

17. … controls such function as blood pressure.

18. … is the organ of touch.

19. A constant flow of stimuli comes into the brain through the …

20. The part of the brain controlling movements is …

IV. Назовите лишнее слово в каждой строчке:

1. cervical, cranial, important, lingual

2. thigh, thumb, ankle, knee

3. liver, gallbladder, intestine, kidney

4. hearing, skin, smell, touch

5. pump, exchange, carry, colon

6. platelets, hemoglobin, fluid, plasma

7. forebrain, medulla, gland, cerebrum

8. volume, surface, weight, length

9. sweet, bitter, tasty, salty

10. strength, redness, sleepless, ability

V. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What does anatomy study?

2. What are the main systems in the human body?

3. What are the main parts of the human body?

4. How many bones are there in the body?

5. What are the parts of the lower extremity?

6. Where is the breastbone?

7. What are the main cavities in the body?

8. What two groups of muscles can you name?

9. What are the organs of the cardiovascular system?

10. What vessels do you know?

11. How many valves are there in the heart?

12. What was I.M.Sechenov?

13. What did he investigate?

14. What is the difference between the left and the right lung?

15. What are the lungs separated by?

16. What is the vital capacity of the lungs?

17. What organs belong to the alimentary tract?

18. What are the portions of the small and the large intestines?

19. What is the brain?

20. What are the main parts of the brain?

21. How many cells are there in the brain?

22. What sense organs can you name?

23. What is hypothalamus?

24. What do you know about I.P. Pavlov?

25. What system do kidneys belong to?

VI. Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на конструкцию there is/are:

1. There is the head, the trunk and the extremities in the human body.

2. In the thoracic cavity there are ribs and the breastbone.

3. There are four fingers and a thumb in each hand.

4. In the brain there are two hemispheres.

5. There are many reports on this topic.

6. There was no new information in his report.

1. На следующей неделе будет конференция.

2. В этом учебнике нет иллюстраций.

3. В библиотеке много книг и журналов по медицине.

4. На моем столе лежала книга.

5. В тексте было много новых слов.

6. Существует много разных теорий.

7. На этот вопрос нет ответа.

VII. Раскройте скобки, употребив прилагательное в соответствующей степени сравнения:

1. Moscow is one of the … (large) cities in the world.

2. Summer is the … (good) season of the year.

3. Russian is … (difficult) than English.

4. He knows anatomy … (bad) of all.

5. Physiology is as … (interesting) as Anatomy.

6. I know English … (well) than Latin.

7. The operation must be performed as … (soon) as possible.

VIII. Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение слов one and that:

1. The weight of the lung is less than that of the heart.

2. The number of the vertebrae in the coccyx is less than the number of those in the

thoracic portion.

3. The right atrium is larger than the left one but the walls of the left atrium are

thicker than those of the right one.

4. This is a difficult problem but a very useful one.

5. In this patient the morning temperature is low but the evening one is high.

6. The results of the experiment were not so useful as those obtained before.

7. The right kidney is lower than the left one.

8. Blood consists of thrombocytes, white cells and red ones.

9. There are four chambers in the heart; two smaller ones – auricles and two larger

ones – ventricles.

10. The article from the Internet was not as difficult as that taken from the journal.

IX. Раскройте скобки, употребив причастие I или II:

1. The lung has the apex … (to extend) above the level of the 1st rib.

2. The right lung … (to consist) of three lobes is heavier than the left one.

3. The heart is the inner organ … (to place) within the chest.

4. The heart consists of two chambers … (to divide) by the septum.

5. The patient … (to admit) to the hospital was a 36-year old male.

6. The fibrous bands … (to form) the muscular structure of the heart are divided into

two groups.

7. The portal system is formed by the veins … (to pass) to the liver.

8. He got new equipment for the … (to organize) department.

9. The results … (to receive) during the experiment were very important.

X. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

1. It was not until 1911 that a first really successful theory of atomic structure was developed by Rutherford. 2. It is on the large surface of the alveoli that oxygen passes from the air into the blood vessels. 3. It is per minute that that the human being breathes in 300-330 ml of oxygen and breathes out 225-250 ml of carbon dioxide. 4. It was not until Roentgen discovered X-rays that scientists were able to examine many inner organs. 5. It is due to many experiments that the investigators could determine the areas of the brain controlling vision, hearing, physical movements and even emotions. 6. It was Andreas Vesalius who published the first work on anatomy “Tabulae Anatomicae”.

XI. Переведите вторую часть предложений, используя правило согласования времен:

1. The scientists determined that … (а) уровень белка в крови в среднем составляет 5 – 8%; (в) плазма является жидкой частью крови. 2. Our professor of Physiology said that … (а) капилляры были открыты в 1661 году Марчелло Мальпиги, профессором медицины из Болоньи; (в) первым человеком, который наблюдал ток крови через капилляры при помощи микроскопа, был голландский ученый Антоний ван Левенгук. 3. The doctor thought that … (а) температура понизится после курса соответствующего лечения; (в) это лекарство успокоит боль.

XII. Определите формы инфинитива:

to have changed to carry out to have been treated

to be growing to be being prepared to be performed

XIII. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

1. The air we breathe in enters the lungs through the trachea. 2. The investigations the scientists have carried out show that the process of inhibition can be produced by sleep. 3. We were told the patient had slept soundly the night before. 4. The most interesting lecture the professor delivered last week was that on conditioned reflexes.

5. The food the children receive for their proper development must contain many vitamins.

XIV. Переведите следующие предложения письменно:

1. Известно, что за одну минуту вся кровь в теле человека проходит через легкие и поглощает 1/3 литра кислорода. 2. При выдохе наружные межреберные мышцы расслабляются. 3. Известно, что быстрый сон длится менее получаса. 4. Установлено, что эритроциты являются самыми многочисленными клеточными элементами крови. 5. Нужно определить первый сердечный тон над поверхностью желудочков или клапанов. 6. При глубоком вдохе легкие наполняются 1.5-2 литрами воздуха.

XV. Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам:

1. Nerve is the structure which transmits impulses and stimuli to and from the brain

and spinal cord.

2. The nervous system builds up a background of memory by recording and relating

certain stimuli and responses.

3. Scientists have found that human beings have different kinds of senses.

4. Some kinds of senses give information about the body needs.

5. Heat is felt by special receptor cells in the skin.

6. Impairment in cerebral function can be characterized by a lack of memory and


7. Cerebrolysin improves the efficiency of the cerebral metabolism.

XVI. Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопрос:

How many groups do the scientists divide the senses into? Name these groups.

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