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VII. Read text B and

1. find all the words having Latin or Greek origin (16-18):


Do you have a hunch or an intuition? Research psychologist Dean Radin, Ph.D., claims that hunches might actually foretell the future.

The scientific evidence is now stronger than ever for such phenomena as telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition. Studies suggest that we have ways of getting information that bypass the ordinary senses. The sixth sense and similar terms, like second sight and extrasensory perception (ESP) refer to perceptual experiences that transcend the usual boundaries of space and time.

In his experiments Dean Radin observed that many people responded unconsciously to something bad – even before it happened. He called this “presentiment”, an unconscious form of “psi” perception. “Psi” is a neutral form for psychic experiences.

If scientists agree that the sixth sense exists, how might this change society? On the one hand it may change nothing; we may learn that genuine psi abilities are rare and only weakly predictive, and thus inconsequential for most practical purposes. On the other hand, it is possible that the study of the sixth sense will revolutionize our understanding of causality and have radically new applications.

2. find these words in the text:

clairvoyance [klFq’voiqns] – ясновидение

precognition – предвидение, экстрасенсорное восприятие

presentiment [pri’zentimqnt] – предчувствие

unconscious [An’kOnSqs] – бессознательный, невольный

psi [sQi] – парапсихические явления

inconsequential [in,kOnsi’kwenSql] – несущественный, не имеющий

значения, маловажный

causality [kL’zqeliti] – причинная связь

3. translate the text using a dictionary:

4. find the description to each word:

sense - a strange and uncomfortable feeling that something

is going to happen

intuition - the communication of thoughts directly from one

person’s mind to someone else’s without speaking

clairvoyance - the ability to understand or know something by

using your feelings

precognition - the ability (usually unreal) to see what will happen

in the future

telepathy - feeling that it exists or true without being told or

having proof

presentiment - the knowledge that something will happen before

it does

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