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Flight attendants have a procedure for the different things they need to do on a flight. Look at this list of things and put them in the correct order

a) serve drinks

b) check seat-belts are fastened

c) give out landing cards

d) welcome passengers on board

e) give safety announcement

f) serve tea and coffee

g) get meals ready

h) assist passengers leaving plane

i) collect meal trays

j) collect empty glasses

k) assist with stowing cabin baggage

1) offer duty-free goods for sale

m) serve meals to passengers

6. At which stage would you hear the flight attendant si
the following?

a) Would you like anything to drink?

b) Good morning. Seat 25D is down there on the right.

c) Have you finished with this, madam?

d) Would you like me to put this in the overhead locker?

e) Ice and lemon?

f) Goodbye. Have a safe journey.

g) Any wine, spirits, or perfume?

h) Emergency exits are located towards the front and re of the plane.

Can you think of any other typical things that a flight atte dant might say?

8. More myths surround the job of flight attendant thi
almost any other
. Consequently, airlines receive tho
sands of enquiries every year. How do they decide wl
will make the grade? Kim Whittle is an experienc<
flight attendant trainer for British Airways. Before y<
read what she has to say, make your own predictions 1
filling in the chart below.


Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 768 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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