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WRITING. Give a good literally translation

Give a good literally translation.


The great fog belt was moving over almost the whole of En­gland last night, after a day of chaos when trains were delayed, planes grounded and racing cancelled.

Visibility was down to eight yards in some parts of London.

Traffic in many areas of London was virtually paralyzed as vehicles crawled at 5 miles per hour.

Not one airliner of about 250 services was able to land or take off at London Airport last night. At Gatwick Airport fog lifted for about two hours, and 15 airlines which had been circling London were diverted to Gatwick and landed.

During one hour more than 1,000 passengers crowded into the Gatwick terminal building. Hundreds more were kept in their airlines until the congestion in the building had eased.

2. You are flying to Belfast on a business trip, and you
have been given this form. Fill in the answer on the


Please complete in BLOCK letters



Surname (Mr./Mrs./lvliss) ________________________

Christian names _______________________________

Nationality/Citizenship Date Place

__________________________ of birth ____ of birth

Home address ________________________________

Purpose of visit _______________________________

Occupation __________________ Employer ________

Date _______________________ Signature _________

Write some announcements of your own. Use the notes below.

a) flight AZ207 delayed — now due 18.35

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 942 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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