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Going through the Customs

Customs officer: Would you like to put your luggage on here?... Thank you. Where have you just come from?
Traveller: From Madrid.

Customs officer: Madrid. Are you resident in Spain, or do you

live in the UK?
Traveller: I live in Spain.

Customs officer: Can I see your passport, please?... Thank you.

How long are you coming to the UK for?
Traveller: For a week.

Customs officer: On holiday, are you? Or business?
Traveller: Yes, on business.

Customs officer: I see. OK. Well then, you understand that you've come into the Green Channel, which means you have nothing to declare.
Traveller: Yes.

Customs officer: Is this all your luggage?

Traveller: This is all, yes.

Customs officer: Nobody else is travelling with you?

Traveller: No, I'm travelling alone.

Customs officer: OK, then. What type of goods have you got? Cigarettes, cigars?

Traveller: I've got just 200 cigarettes.

Customs officer: Nothing else at all in the tobacco line?

Traveller: No.

Customs officer: Any drink at all? Spirits? Liqueurs? Wine?

Traveller: Just this bottle of whisky.

Customs officer: Was that bought in the duty-free shop, or...?

Traveller: Yes, at Madrid airport.

Customs officer: I see. Are you bringing any gifts at all for any­body in the UK?

Traveller: Well, the whisky is a present, but that's all.

Customs officer: I see. No other small items — watches, jewel­lery?

Traveller: No, just personal things.

Customs officer: OK. Right, sir. Would you let me have a look in there?... Is the calculator going back to Spain with you?

Traveller: Yes, it is. It's mine.

Customs officer: Do you have a camera at all?

Traveller: No, not with me.

Customs officer: OK, sir. Thank you very much.

Comprehension questions:

1. Where has the traveller come from?

2. What country does he permanently reside in?

3. Why has he come to the UK?

4. What does it mean if he goes into the Green Channel?

a) He has something to declare.

b) He has nothing to declare.

c) It does not mean anything.

5. Who else is travelling with him?

6. How many cigarettes has he got?

7. What drink has he got?

8. Is he bringing any gifts?,9. Has he got any jewellery?

10. Is he going to give the calculator to another person?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 637 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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