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Ex.9. Choose suitable time expressions and put them in the correct position

yesterday, a week ago, last month/ week/ year, two years ago, an hour ago, on Tuesday/ Friday/ Sunday, in 2012

1. I went to the office by taxi.

2. They signed the contract.

3. They cut their living expenses by half.

4. Mr. Mckinley founded this hotel.

5. The prices fell down sharply.

6. This purchase cost us a fortune.

7. Our company sold this building to our partners.

8. The BBC broadcast the match live from Paris.

9. Jimmy flew to Amsterdam on business.

10. Luckily, my friend lent me some money.

11. The students of my group flew to California.

12. His assistant came at 12 o’clock.

13. They started this company.

14. Mary and Jane bought absolutely similar cars.

15. His HR manager taught him how to behave at the interview.

Ex.10. Rewrite the sentences in the negative. Look at the example provided.

1. My brother found his watch. – My brotherdidn’t find his watch.

2. You jumped high. – ______________________.

3. Albert played squash. – ______________________.

4. The teacher tested our English. – ______________________.

5. Fiona visited her grandma. – ______________________.

6. He washed the car. – ______________________.

7. You were thirsty. – ________________________.

8. She forgave her husband. - __________________.

9. He had a computer. – ______________________.

10. I bought bread. – __________________________.

11. You saw the house. – ______________________.

Ex.11. Write questions in the Past Simple.


you / walk / the dog – Did you walk the dog?

1. she / home / get – ____________________________?

2. Anna / the window / open

3. you / in the garden / work – ______________________?

4. you / a song / sing – ____________________________?

5. she / on a chair / sit – ___________________________?

6. you / the castle / visit – __________________________?

7. Jenny / the door / lock – _________________________?

8. she / happy / be – _______________________________?

9. Greg / the ball / kick – ___________________________?

10. the car / at the corner / stop – ______________________?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 461 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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