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Using the above dialogues as a model, explain how to get to your university or home by underground or bus, on foot, by street name or nearby landmarks

Ex.9. Look at the office plan. Can you match the questions and answers?

1 Excuse me. Where's the lift?

2 Excuse me. Where are the stairs?

3 Where's the computer room?
A Where's the drinks machine?

5 Where are the toilets, please?

a On the right, just after the lift,
b It's over there. The first door on the right,
c It's just past the stairs. The third door on the right.

d Go through the doors at the end, and they're on the right,
e Go to the end of the corridor, through the doors, and turn left.

Ex.10. John Smith has come to Glick and Warburg on a business trip, but he can’t find where the company’s office is. He calls Laura Sands, the company’s manager, on his mobile. Read the dialogue from the Business Basics course and answer these questions.

1 Where is John exactly? 2 Which floor is Meta Co. on? 3 Mark the position of Meta Co. on this floor plan.

L.: Laura Sands. How can I help you?

V: Hi, Laura. This is John.

L: John! Where are you?

V: I'm in your building but I can't find your offices.

L: Are you on the fourteenth floor?

V: No. I'm on the fourth. At reception they told me to go the fourth.

L: No, we're on the fourteenth, John. Are you near an elevator?

V: Yes, there's one just next to me. It's Elevator D.

L: Elevator D. OK. So take the elevator to the fourteenth floor. When you come out of the elevator, turn left. You'll see the Conference Center in front of you. Then take the first right.

V: One second. So that's left at the elevator, then first right.

L: Yeah. Go along the corridor, past the Conference Center. At the end of the corridor you come to a small escalator. Go up the escalator, and Glick and Warburg is immediately on the right, just opposite the Business Center.

V: So that's along the corridor, up the escalator, and you're on the right.

L: Yeah - just opposite the Business Center. It's easy to find. There are signs everywhere.

V: OK, thanks, Laura. I'll be with you in a moment. Bye.

L: Good luck, John!

Ex.11. You work in an office on the fourteenth floor. Decide where it is on the floor plan above, but don't tell your partner. Give your partner directions from one of the four lifts / elevators. Your partner must say which office it is.

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