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The first dialogue is an example

1. A: Do you know where I can get a cup of coffee?
B: Sure. You could try the Starry Café.
A: Where’s that?
B: It’s on 2nd Avenue across from the pharmacy.
A: Thanks.
B: No problem.

2. A: Do you know where I can __________?

B: Sure. You could try the ___________.

A: Where’s that?
B: It’s on 2nd Avenue above the Grocery.
A: Thanks.
B: You are welcome.

3. A: Do you know where I can __________?

B: Sure. You could try the ___________.

A: Where’s that?

B: It’s at the end of Elm Street below the Town Pub.
A: Thanks a lot.
B: That's OK.

4. A: Do you know where I can __________?

B: Sure. You could try the ___________.

A: Where’s that?

B: It’s right on the corner of 2nd Avenue and Elm Street.
A: Thanks.
B: No problem.

5. A: Do you know where I can __________?

B: Sure. You could try the ___________.

A: Where’s that?

B: It’s just at the corner of 2nd Avenue and Elm Street above the Chemist's.
A: Thank you.
B: Not at all.

6. A: Do you know where I can __________?

B: Sure. You could try the ___________.

A: Where’s that?

B: It’s on 2nd Avenue just opposite Max Records on the second floor.
A: Thanks.
B: You're welcome.

Ex.7. Work in pairs. Use the words below to complete the dialogues. You don’t need to use them all.

start get on come finish stop change get off go take go to

1. A: Excuse me.

B: Yes?

A: I want to ______ New Road.

B: Go to the right platform. ______ the first train. ______ at Yellow Circle to the train for Youth’s Gardens. ______ at Jankie’s which is on the New Road.

A: Thank you. How many stations from Yellow Circle?
B: It’s the second station.

A: Thank you very much.

B: You’re welcome.

2. A: Excuse me.

B: Can I help you?

A: How do I get to Crossroads?

B: ______ any train from platform 1. ______ at King’s Yard. ______ the local train - it’s yellow. ______ at the next station. That’s it.

A: Thank you.

B: That’s quite all right.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 485 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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