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Task 8. Read the story about Anita Roddick, the founder of the Body Shop, and choose the correct word from A, B or C to fill the gaps

  A contrast B Nevertheless C Although
  A Even though B In spite of C However
  A although B despite C Unlike
  A Whereas B Nevertheless C While
  A Unlike B In contrast C While
  A Although B However C Unlike
  A Although B Nevertheless C Unlike
  A despite B In spite of C Even though
  A However B Despite C Even though
  A Despite B However C Although

Anita Roddick, the founder of The Body Shop, has recently added her voice to the campaign to promote the use of hemp as a substitute for various man-made substances. 1 Although hemp in fact belongs to the same plant group as marijuana, it has none of the narcotic effects of its close relative.

2____________, 3________________the efforts by hemp supporters to stimulate interest in the plant and to persuade the farming community to grow it commercially, it is still illegal under British law to actually plant hemp seeds.

4____________hemp is no longer used in Western Europe, it is still a common and valuable raw material in many other regions of the world where it provides the basis for a whole variety of products ranging from clothing to medication. 5____________to man-made fibres, hemp is entirely biodegradable and therefore does not contribute to the planet's waste problem. 6____________some of the materials that it could replace, like nylon, hemp requires no energy-intensive production process to turn it into something you can use or wear.

7__________, the hemp campaigners have sometimes run into some rather unexpected opposition 8____________of all the arguments that they have produced in its favour. Even Anita Roddick herself has been accused of behaving irresponsibly and of being insensitive to the issues involved in drug abuse.

9_______some members of the farming community would be only too happy to grow hemp as a promising alternative crop, the majority of people remain firmly opposed to its ^introduction because of its association with marijuana.

10__________ most consumers would have no worries about wearing clothing with nylon fibres, it would seem that, for the time being, cannabis sativa, as the hemp plant is known, is not something you'd want your neighbours to see you with.

Read the text again and answer the questions:

Who is Anita Roddick?

What campaign has she supported recently? Why?

What kind of a plant is hemp? Why is it illegal?

What are hemp supporters trying to do?

Why is hemp a common and valuable raw material in other regions of the world?

Why is hemp environmentally friendly?

How is it different from man – made fibres?

What are the main arguments of the opposition?

Why do the majority of people remain firmly opposed to reintroduction of hemp?

Why do most consumers prefer wearing clothing with man – made fibres?

Task 9. Give English equivalents for:

основатель, учредитель;

заменитель различных искусственных материалов;

присоединить свой голос;

стимулировать интерес к;

усилия сторонников конопли;

убедить работников сельского хозяйства выращивать коноплю на коммерческой основе;

по Британским законам, выращивание конопли вне закона;

распространенное и ценное сырье;

составляет основу целого ряда продуктов от одежды до лекарств;

конопля полностью разлагается;

не требует энергозатратных производственных процессов;

натолкнуться на неожиданное противодействие;

высказать аргументы в пользу чего-либо;

обвинять в безответственном поведении;

равнодушно относиться к вопросам, связанным со злоупотреблением наркотиками;

выращивать коноплю в качестве альтернативной культуры;

большинство людей выступают решительно против возвращения к конопле;

на данный момент / в настоящее время.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1945 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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