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Task 5

The sentences below are extracts from the introduction to an environmental report 'How Green is my Patio' written by Martin Toogood, the Managing Director of B&Q, a British Do-It-Yourself retailer.

Replace the words in brackets with an appropriate word from the box.

policy customers impact

stores programme issues

review factory estimate

goal consumption

A. Whilst our day-to-day running of the business does have an environmental

1__________(the effect of one thing on another), the2___________ (difficult questions or problems) with our products were, and still are, far greater.

В. Rather than just produce a 3____________(an official course of action) quickly and stick a few green labels on our products, we started a fundamental 4____________(examination/analysis) of the product range and the day-to-day running of the business.

C. Basic contradictions such as our5 ___________ (objective) to sell more, so contributing towards 6______________ (the amount of products used or bought), however, still provide a philosophical challenge to any retailer.

D. There is considerable work to be done in the 7________________ (shops) and the way we communicate with our 8________________(the people who buy products).

E. B&Q's environmental 9____________(a plan of action) started at the beginning of 1990.

F. A10________________(a place where goods are produced) in Bolivia is expanding rapidly to make wooden garden furniture. We 11_____________(calculate) that we buy products from 60 countries.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1121 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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