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Unit 2.1

a) punishment;

b) sen­tencing process;

c) corporal punishment;

d) community sentences;

e) alternative sanctions;

f) imprisonment;

g) capital punishment;

h) sentencing disparity;

i) jail;

j) prison.

Unit 2.2

a) deterrence;

b) general deterrence;

c) incapacitation;

d) specific deterrence;

e) retribution/desert;

f) rehabilitation;

g) restitution;

h) recidivism;

i) probation;

j) release;

k) concurrent sentence;

l) consecutive sentence;

m) deferred sentence;

n) determinate sentence;

o) indeterminate sentence;

p) life sentence;

q) mandatory sentence;

r) maximum sentence;

s) minimum sentence;

t) presumptive sentence;

u) suspended sentence.

Task 1.28. Speak on the following topics of the Unit using the above-mentioned key terms in your oral presentation:

a) the concept of the punishment and the sentencing process;

b) the most important and common forms of criminal punishment;

c) the complexity of punishing criminals;

d) one of the objectives of criminal sentencing;

e) the factors in sentencing;

f) the types of sentences;

g) the pros and cons of the death penalty.

Task 1.29. A mind map is a way of organizing vocabulary to show the connections between words. Study the example (see Unit I task 1.22) and design a mind map for one of the following:

● sentencing ● punishment ●

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 305 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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