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The Controversy over the Approaches to Punishment

A commonly held notion among many is that the (громада) holds to (каральна ідеологія) concerning plight of the offenders convicted of crimes. Research supporting the view that offenders can be rehabilitated is quite common in the literature. However, some literature indicates that (виправні заходи) have been unsuccessful.

Scholars such as Andrew Von Hirch, Ernest Van Haag have argued for the merits of (виправна система) that isn`t driven by (філософія перевиховання), but rather a philosophy which supports either deterrence, (відплата) or punishment.

Netherless, reсent survey research in the USA states that punishment and rehabilitation of offenders both receive (значна підтримка). The results of the current (опитування громадської думки) clearly indicate that rehabilitation is a more favored (підхід до) dealing with prisoners. 57,6 percent of the respondents believe that criminals should be given the chance to be rehabilitated while in prisons. 68,1 percent of the citizens consider that the best policy for dealing with (засуджені), is to provide them with (заходи, спрямовані на перевиховання та професійне навчання).

(Відновлення в правах) is a generally (визнаною метою) of prison sentences, but there is also the need (захищати суспільство). It`s essential that a state based (на букві закону) should extend humanity to all, but there is also necessary (забезпечити правопорядок).

Task 1.10. Match the legal terms on the left with their definitions on the right:

1. penitence a. treatment
2. enforcement of punishment b. relating to penance or to treatment intended to reform offenders
3. resocialization c. imprisonment
4. rehabilitation d. criminal defendants
5. the convicted person e. punishment that one imposes on oneself to show that one is sorry for having done wrong
6. penitentiary f. execution of court decision to sentence a criminal
7. confinement g. conscious rehabilitation of the convicted person in his/her social status

Task 1.11. Match the following words and phrases with their Ukrainian equivalents:

1.punitive sentencing a.каральний вплив
2.punitive institution b.кримінальне законодавство
3.punitive justice c.покарання у виді позбавлення волі
4.punitive law d.каральний захід
5.punitive legislation e.каральне правосуддя
6.punitive measure f. f.каральна установа
7.punitive treatment g. g.кримінальний закон

Task 1.13. In each of the following sets of four, find one word or word combination that is the odd one out: different from the others. Circle it. For example:

  penitentiary   correctional deterrent penal

Deterrent is the odd one out: the other three refer to the process of resocialization.

  rehabilitation treatment deterrence correction
  the accused prisoner inmate the convicted
  punishment penance penalty sanction
  penalty penitence repentance penance
  prison house arrest community-based treatment facility jail
  death penalty capital punishment execution incarceration
  corrections correction treatment rehabilitation
  enforcement execution carrying out supervision
  purpose method objective aim
  assistance protection opposition support
  freedom liberty release independence

Task 1.15. Answer the following questions:

1. Is there any difference between penitentiary system and prison system?

2. What did the prison serve in an earlier time?

3. What functions did the prison system carry out?

4. Can punishment alone guide a prisoner to change? Why?

5. What does the term penitentiary mean?

6. Who implemented the idea of penance? In which way was it realized at that time?

7. Why is the term penitentiary applied in the names of modern penal systems?

8. What are the main features of modern penitentiary system?

9. What is the difference between the penitentiary system and the prison system?

10. What are the purposes of the penitentiary system?

11. What does the concept of resocialization mean according to the Criminal Code of Ukraine?

12. What agency in Ukraine plays the key role indelivering the state strategic objectives directed to improvement of efficiencies and effectiveness of the correctional process?

Task 1.17. Put each of the words and word combinations from the box into its proper place below and translate the text:

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 409 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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