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Task 1.22 B. Find the proper information about the situation in Ukraine and comment on the most controversial issues of both these systems

In the discussion, you may use the following expressions:

- according to this view the process can be described as…;

- these data show the surprising amount of flexibility and disparity built …;

- each of the sentences above is actually a decision point …;

- not all criminals convicted of the most serious crimes actually go to prison …;

- this disparity occurs …;

- a critical issue …;

- the call for reforming the sentencing process.

Task 1.23 A. Read about the sentencing process in Great Britainand examine table 2 below:

In England and Wales there are no minimum sentences, except for murder, which carries a penalty of life imprisonment. There are maximum sentences for other crimes. Criminal cases are first tried by the Magistrates` court, which can either pass sentences or refer the cases to the Crown court. Here are the maximum sentences for some crimes. The sentences can be reduced for good behaviour, often by one-third or more. “Life sentences” are rarely more than 14 years, and it would be possible to release prisoner after 7 years.

Table 2.

crime Magistrates’ Court Crown Court
Fine Prison Fine Prison
  burglary £1000 6 months unlimited 14 years
  grievous bodily harm £1000 6 months unlimited 5 years
  possession of firearm £1000 6 months unlimited 5 years
  possession of cannabis £1000 6 months unlimited 5 years
  common assault £200 3 months - -
  going equipped for stealing £1000 6 months unlimited 3 years
  murder - - life imprisonment

Task 1.23 B. Work in groups.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 324 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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