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Ex.3. Complete the sentences. 1. (По истечении 30 дней) no further fine will be charged, but the Buyers in addition to the sum of the fine charged will pay to the Sellers (штраф

1. (По истечении 30 дней) no further fine will be charged, but the Buyers in addition to the sum of the fine charged will pay to the Sellers (штраф, составляющий) 10 per cent of the goods value to be delivered under the Contract.

2. Insurance Policy (выписывается) in the name of the Buyers for … per cent of the cif value of the goods.

3. All taxes, (таможенные и другие сборы) connected with the conclusion and execution of the present Contract (взимаемые) on the territory of the Sellers’ country are charged to the Sellers’ account and those (взимаемые) on the territory of the Buyers’ country and transit territory borne by the Buyers.

4. The goods will be packed in wooden cases or (картонные) boxes and (маркированы) as follows:..........

5. In this case the Sellers will (освобожден) from their obligations to deliver the goods under the Contract and the Buyers shall have no right (предъявлять претензии) the Sellers whatsoever with regard to non-fulfillment of the Contract.

6. The (решение арбитража) is considered final and (обязательным для) the parties.

7. The quality of the goods sold under the present Contract shall (соответствовать) the State Standards and Technical Conditions applied in the European Union to these goods.

8. The date of (авианакладной) is to be considered as the date of (поставки).

9. In such case neither (из сторон) shall have the right to make a demand upon the other party (компенсации возможных потерь).

10. Certificates issued by (соответствущей торговой палатой) of the Sellers’ or the Buyers’ country shall be (достаточным доказательством) of such circumstances and their duration.

11. All (расходы) connected with payment as well as (банковская комиссия) will be paid by the Buyers.

12. Neither party to this Contract shall have the right (передавать) to any third party their rights and obligations under the contract (без письменного согласия) of the other party.

13. Moscow, RF (считается) as the place of the conclusion of the present Contract.

14. All disputes and (разногласия) which (могут возникнуть из) the present Contract and/or in connection herewith are to be referred (для урегулирования) to the Arbitration Court.

15. Not later than 10 days after receipt of payment the Sellers shall (осуществить отгрузку) of the goods to the Buyers.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 298 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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