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The Challenge (складна задача) for Geographers

3. The Whole Earth: A Web of Interrelationships.

Exercise 13. Make up the annotation to the text "Specific Parts of the Environment " in English.

Exercise 14. Retell the text "Specific Parts of the Environment" paying attention to the influence of human activity on nature.

Exercise 15. Use the verb-forms correctly. Translate the paragraph.

Water currents

The flow of water (to present) special problems for aquatic organisms. Flow (to be associated) with rivers, oceanic currents, and waves and can be (to streamline) or turbulent. Many organisms (to specialize) to live in flowing environments; the main obstacle to this lifestyle (to be) the constant threat of being washed away. Both plants and animals (to have evolved) mechanisms that (to help) to anchor them to the substratum in flowing water. If anchorage can be assured, there (to be) many advantages to living in this environment. Flowing water generally (to be) well oxygenated, and the supply (to be) continuous; nutrients and food (to be) constantly replenished as well. The very precariousness of the environment also (to afford) some protection from predation because the number of predators that make this type of habitat home (to be limited).


Rational Use of Natural Resources

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 364 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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