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Nouns and verbs

Meaning Word
* what you take in through nose and mouse when you breathe air
*(to travel 1) in aero plane n. by...
* to make... fresh  
* * to put power into something to charge
* * to ask a price for something  
**words that a policeman says when he catches someone who has done wrong  
**sudden attack by soldiers, animals, etc.  
***group of things of the same sort; Set (noun)
*** radio or television instrument; (noun)
***to put something somewhere; (verb)
***to fix something in a tight place (verb)
*** to go down from the sky (verb)
***to put a broken bone together so that it will mend; (verb)
*** to start something; (verb)
*** to make something burn; (verb)
***to give work to someone to do. (verb)

Exercise 13. Pick out all possible objects to the given infinitive forms.

To place the impact of jet aircraft noise

To run noise monitoring equipment

To give cleaning jets

To make the level of noise

To increase or decrease into nearby waterways

To encourage the citizens opportunity

To reduce air fresh

To put something

To soar something somewhere

To want through the air

Exercise 14. Write out all possible attributes from the text to the following words:

Pollution, paths, invention, period, activities, operator, noise, emissions, equipment, measurement, complications, consumption, reduction, orientation, side, kinds.

Exercise 15. Write out the prepositions and put them into the correct columns.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 439 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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