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Exercise 2. Read and translate the text. Aircraft Pollution To soar through the air like birds was only a dream of human for centuries

Aircraft Pollution To soar through the air like birds was only a dream of human for centuries. This dream has become true because of airplane. But this wonderful invention has got opposite side. It is aircraft pollution. Aircraft pollution includes three main groups of contamination made by airplanes, namely: water pollution of the airport activities, air pollution of the aircraft emissions and noise pollution.

Aircraft and especially jet aircraft discharge large amount of pollutants in the air. Air is gas which you take in through nose and mouse when you breathe. Although jet engines have improved over the last years, they still are responsible for considerable air pollution. Now researches have reported that a health threat has appeared from aircraft emission. People living within three miles of an airport or its flight paths have disease rates (20-40%) It is higher for such diseases as heart, cancer, asthma and other respiratory ailments, and pregnancy complications.

Water pollution of the airport activities is formed by a lot of toxic chemicals. Although the airports must conform to the clean water laws in their activities, pollutants are allowed to run into nearby waterways. For example Metropolitan Washington Airport, de-icer and anti-icing chemicals, at the rate of 1 00000 gallons per year are allowed to run into

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 447 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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