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Exercise 8. Answer the following questions

1. Why is it so difficult to predict the effects of oil spills? 2. What is the primary cause of the immediate killing of aquatic organisms? 3. What do toxic chemicals do? 4. What are floating substances gradually broken down by? 5. What can floating oil coat? 6. What can heavy oil components do when they sink to the ocean floor? 7. Why do oil slicks have serious economic effects on coastal residents? 8. What examples of the effects of oil spills can you give?

Exercise 9. Find Ukrainian equivalents for the following English


1. effect а) нсоброблена / неочищена нафта

2. oil spill b) водний організм

3. crude oil c) ссавці

4. refined oil d) плівка нафти

Aquatic organism e) розлив нафти

6. tar f) мідія

Bacteria g) тюлень

Mammal h) оброблена нафта

9. mussel і) дьоготь

Seal j) вплив

11. oil slick k) бактерії

Exercise 10. Decide whether the following statements are true (Г) or false (F) in relation to the information in the text. If you think a statement is false, change it to make it true.

It is difficult to predict the effects of oil spills because many factors

Influence on them.

Crude oil and refined oil have the same substances.

High-boiling aromatic hydrocarbons immediately kill many aquatic

Organisms in their larva forms.

Most of toxic chemicals evaporate into the atmosphere, others

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 508 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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