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С) Use these phrases in the dialogues of your own


X. Read and translate the following dialogues. Use the phrases of your own instead of the underlined ones.

— Here is one of those take-away places. Let's go in.

— It's worth trying, I think. I am tired.

—What about grilled chicken? It's very popular here, they say.

— I'd like to taste it. Oh, it looks so attractive.

— Yes, but the chicken is pretty hot, you know.

— O.K. I'll try that.

— What would you like to take, sir?

Grilled chicken one.

— Anything else, sir?

—Two slices of bread, French salad one and coke one.

— And for me Hot dog with ketchup two, a glass of orange juice and a portion of ice-cream with lemon.

— Here you are.

— Many thanks.

Feeling Unwell

XI. Read and translate the following dialogues. Make up a list of useful phrases concerning the matter.


— Doctor, I feel shivery and I've got a pain in my stomach.

— Where does it pain you?

— Here, doctor.

— How long have you had it?

— It came on yesterday.

— What have you been eating of late?

— Well, I think, doctor, I've overeaten fruits and vegetables these days.

— Have you had diarrheas?

— Yes, doctor.

— I see. I'll give you a prescription and you'll buy these capsules at a chemist's shop.

— What's the medicine?

— French Intetrix. You should take the medicine every four hours and in a day or two you'll feel better.


— Good morning, doctor.

— Good morning, sir. What is wrong with you?

— I am running a temperature, and I feel sick. I have a sore throat. I am sneezing. I am afraid, doctor, I have flu.

— Since when have you been feeling like this?

— It all started yesterday.

— Let me examine your throat.

— A...

— Strip to the waist, please. Let me feel your pulse. Then I must sound your heart and test your blood pressure (BP).

— Doctor, what is it?

— Don't worry. You simply have a slight ailment. Take this prescription to the chemist's and buy these tablets. You need wash them down three times a day. Keep to bed for some three days, try to eat fresh fruits and have a rest.

— Thank you, doctor.


At a Chemist's Shop

— Good morning, sir.

— Good morning. The doctor has given me this prescription. Have you got this medicine?

— Yes, we have. Here is your medicine. It's written here how to take it, sir (madam).

— Thank you. And can you give me something for a headache?

— Certainly, sir. This medicine is good for a headache.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 493 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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