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IX. a) Read and translate the following dialogues. Choose one dialogue for acting out


— Excuse me, can you tell me where Prater Street is, please?

— Take the second on the left and then ask again.

— Is it far?

— No, it's only about five minutes' walk.

— Thank you.

— That's OK.


— Excuse me but I'm trying to find Heldenplatz.

— Take the third turning on the right and go straight on.

— Should I take a bus?

— No, you can walk it in under five minutes.

— Thank you very much indeed.

— That's quite all right.


— Excuse me, sir.

— Yes, what is it?

— Which is the quickest way to the sea?

— Go straight on, take the street on your right and go as far as the sea.

— Thank you ever so much.

— It's all right, sir.


— Excuse me... I want to get to Kunsthistorisches Museum. At what stop do I get off?

— Kunsthistorisches Museum? Just a minute. Go farther. Four stops more. Or... wait a moment. You may get off at the next stop and take another route bus. It'll be probably quicker.

— Oh, thank you. I'll go by this bus, just not to change.

— Yes, it surely is more convenient.


— Does this bus go to the market?

— No, you'll have to get off at the bank and take a 12.

— Can you tell me where to get off?

— It's the next stop but one.


— Do we go to the seafront?

— No, you're going the wrong way. You want a 16 from the bridge.

— Have we got much further to go?

— It's the next stop.


— Is this the right bus for Donaupark?

— No, you should have caught a 9. Jump out at the Church and get one there.

— Could you tell me when we get there?

— It's two stops after this one.


— Excuse me. Would you tell me where I can buy postcards with a view of this town?

— First right, second left. You can't miss a small book­shop with a stand of postcards in front of it.

— Is it too far to walk?

— No, it's only half a kilometer.

— Thank you very much.

— It's a pleasure.

b) Say it in English:

Не подскажите, как добраться до …; далеко ли до; это в 15 минутах ходьбы; поверните налево (направо); нужно ли садиться на автобус?; на какой остановке сходить?; сойдите на …; нужно ли делать пересадку?; идет ли этот автобус до …?; вы не сможете пропустить (не заметить); далеко ли пешком до …?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 554 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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