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III. Listen to the tape and do the exercises below


Do you know how the names of these countries are pronounced in English?

Egypt Iran Japan Ireland

Czechoslovakia Switzerland China Brazil

Portugal Saudi Arabia Belgium Iraq

Vietnam Norway Poland Israel

Hungary Finland Canada


Listen and check if you can guess correctly. Practise the reading of the names with the tape.

Listen to 8 short dialogues. Pick out the nationality adjectives for each country and put them down into the right column (according to the suffix).

-ian -ish -ese -i other

Look at the list of countries in the pre-listening exercise. Complete the columns with the nationality adjectives of the countries not mentioned in the dialogues. Consult a dictionary to spell the words correctly.

2.4. Listen again. What adjectives are used to describe people’s characters? Put them down into your notebooks.

e.g. Czech – sociable

IV. Learn the structure What is/are … like?

A. Your friend is living in Australia for one year. Ask lots of questions about the country:

The weather, the people, the towns, Sydney, the beaches, the TV programmes.

B. Robert had a terrible holiday. Complete the questions about it in the following dialogues.

1. A. ………………..

B. Awful. My room was tiny, and the service was bad.

2. A. ……………

B. It was terrible. The plane was delayed six hours!

3. A. ……………

B. Awful! It rained almost every day.

4. A. ……………..

B. They were crowded and dirty. There was no sand on them, just stones!

5. A. …………………

B. Disgusting! Chips with everything and it was often undercooked.

V. Make up a dialogue of your own by analogy:

- What country is Lian from?

- He is from China. He speaks both Chinese and English.

- What are the Chinese like?

- Oh, the Chinese are an inventive and creative people. (They are inventive and creative.)

VI. What country would you like to visit? Why?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 606 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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