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Advantages of aquatic rehabilitation

1. … aquatic therapy program offers many advantages. 2. Physiologically, … aquatic therapy is similar to land exercises as … blood supply, muscle temperature, metabolism, 02.; demand and CO2; production increase just as they do in land exercises. 3. What makes aquatic therapy popular are … characteristics that separate it from traditional land exercises. 4. Very fine gradation of exercise can be manipulated by using combinations of … different resistive forces. 5. For instance, when using weights on land, the athlete is limited to … equipment available. 6. If … 10-pound dumbell is too heavy but … 5-pound dumbell is too light, there is no middle ground. 7. With aquatic therapy, however, extremely small gradations of intensity can be con­trolled by changing … body positioning or … equipment being used. 8. Through water exercises, even individuals with minimal muscle contraction capabilities can do work and see improvement even though they are unable to do so on … land.

5.6. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary.

1. A further advantage … aquatic therapy concerns weight-bearing principles. 2. Locomotor activities after a lower extremity injury can safely begin earlier … the rehabilitation process … using the buoyant force to decrease the apparent weight and compressive forces. 3. This advantage is … great importance to the athletic population … particular. 4. Through careful use … Archimedes' Principle, a gradual increase … the percentage … weight bearing can be undertaken. 5. Initially, the athlete would begin nonweight bearing … the deep end … the pool. 6. A wet vest or similar buoyant device might be used to help the athlete remain afloat … the desired exercises. 7. If such a device is unavailable, empty plastic milk jugs held … each hand are also a quite effective and very inexpensive method … flotation.

5.7. Ask questions to the words in italic.

1. Once therapy has progressed, the athlete could be moved to neck-deep water to begin light weight bearing. 2. Gradual increases in the percentage of weight-bearing are accomplished by systematically moving the athlete to more shallow water. 3. Even when in waist-deep water, both male and female athletes are only bearing approximately 50% of their TBW. 4. By placing a sinkable bench or chair in the shallow water, step-ups can then be initiated under partial weight-bearing conditions long before the athlete is capable of performing the same exercise in full weight bearing on land. 5. Thus the advantages of low weight bearing are coupled with the proprioceptive benefits of closed-kinetic chain exercise, making aquatic therapy an excellent functional rehabilitation activity.

5.8. Complete the sentences with words from a box.

  water; the aquatic environment; warmth; pain; gradually; to facilitate; effort exerted  

1. Another advantage of aquatic therapy is increased range of motion, since the … of the water helps to induce muscular relaxation. 2. The proprioceptive stimulation from the water may also serve as a gating mechanism in the decreasing …. 3. Muscular strengthening and reeducation can also be accomplished in … … …. 4. Progressive resistive exercises can … be made more difficult as the athlete's strength increases. 5. The … also serves as an accommodating resistance medium. 6. Therefore the muscles are maximally stressed while the athlete works through the full range of motion available, helping … … strength gains. 7. However, the extent of the gains depends on the … … by the athlete and is not easily measured.

5.9. Define a tense form of a predicate in the following sentences and translate them

into your native language.

1. Strength gains through aquatic exercises are also brought about by the increased energy needs of the body working in an aquatic environment. 2. Studies have shown that aquatic exercise requires a higher energy expenditure than the same exercise performed on land. 3. The athlete not only has to perform the activity but must also maintain a level of buoyancy and overcome the resistive forces of the water. 4. The energy cost for water running, for example, is four times greater than running the same distance on land. 5. Psychologically, aquatic therapy increases confidence, since the athlete experiences increased success at locomotor, stretching, or strengthening activities in the water. 6. Tension and anxiety are decreased and athlete morale increases, as well as postexercise vigor.

5. 10. Retell the oral topic “Aquatic Therapy in Rehabilitation”.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 386 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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