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Turbulent flow

4.1. Read the text “Resistive Forces”.

4.2. Translate the text “Resistive Forces” in writing.

4.3. Discuss the text “Resistive Forces” in class.

4.4. Give a talk on the text “Resistive Forces”.

V. Oral topic XIII

  AQUATIC THERAPY IN REHABILITATION   The buoyant force counteracts the force of gravity as it assists motion toward the water's surface and resists motion away from the surface. Because of differences in the specific gravity of the body, the head and chest tend to float higher in the water than the heavier, denser extremities, making compensation with flotation devices necessary. The three forces that oppose movement in the water are the cohesive force, the bow force, and the drag force. Aquatic therapy allows for fine gradation of exercise, increased control over the percentage of weight bearing, increased range of motion and strength, decreased pain, and increased confidence. Cost, decreased stabilization, and athlete contraindications are some disadvantages of aquatic therapy. Pool size, water temperature, and equipment will vary depending on the population using the facility. The buoyancy technique consists of buoyancy-assisted, buoyancy-supported, and buoyancy-resisted phases. Its technique uses isokinetic, isotonic, and isometric holding positions. Aquatic therapy is meant to complement, not replace, traditional land exercise.  

5.1. Listen to the text of the oral topic “Aquatic Therapy in Rehabilitation”.

5.2. Read and translate the text.

5.3. Answer the questions to the text.

1. How does the buoyant force counteract the force of gravity? 2. Which parts

of the body are higher in the water: the head and chest or extremities? 3. Why? 4. Name the forces that oppose movement in the water. 5. What does aquatic therapy allow for? 6. What are the disadvantages of aquatic therapy? 7. What will vary depending on the population using the facility? 8. What phases does the buoyancy technique consist of? 9. What elements does this technique comprise? 10. Does aquatic therapy complement or replace traditional land exercise?

5.4. Find in the text English equivalents for the following.

плавучесть; взаимодействовать; выталкивающая сила; сила тяжести; сила сцепления \ связующая сила; способствовать; движение (2); по направлению к; поверхность воды; противостоять/препятствовать (2); удельный вес; иметь тенденцию к; держаться на поверхности воды/ плавать; плотный; тяжелый; высокий; конечности; компенсировать; приспособление; превосходная градация физической деятельности; процентное соотношение; распределение веса; амплитуда движений; уверенность; стоимость; обеспечение устойчивости; противопоказания; недостатки; варьироваться; в зависимости от; спортивное сооружение; дополнять; заменять; суша

5.5. Insert articles if necessary.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 318 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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