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Strengthening techniques

1. The following techniques most appropriately (to use) for the development of muscular strength, endurance, and coordination. 2. Repeated contraction (to be) useful when a patient has weakness either at a specific point or throughout the entire range. 3. It (to use) to correct imbalances that (to occur) within the range by repeating the weakest portion of the total range. 4. The patient (to move) isotonically against maximal resistance repeatedly until fatigue (to evidence) in the weaker components of the motion. 5. When fatigue of the weak components (to become) apparent, a stretch at that point in the range should facilitate the weaker muscles and (to result in) a smoother, more coordinated motion. 6. Again, quick stretch (may, to contraindicate) with some musculoskeletal injuries. 7. The amount of resistance to motion given by the sports therapist (should, to modify) to accommodate the strength of the muscle group. 8. The patient (to command) to push by using the agonist concentrically and eccentrically throughout the range.

5.8. Complete the sentences with words from a box.

  antagonistic push; facilitates; slow reversal technique; isotonic; patient  

1. Slow reversal involves an … contraction of the antagonist followed immediately by an isotonic contraction of the agonist. 2. The initial contraction of the antagonist muscle group … the succeeding contraction of the agonist muscles. 3. The … … … can be used for developing active range of motion of the agonists and normal reciprocal timing between the antagonists and agonists, which is critical for normal coordinated motion. 4. The … should be commanded to push against maximal resistance by using the antagonist and then to pull by using the agonist. 5. The initial … … facilitates the succeeding agonist contraction.

5.9. Insert prepositions if necessary.

1. Sherrington attributed the impulses transmitted … the peripheral stretch receptors via the afferent system as being the strongest influence … the alpha motor neurons. 2. Therefore the sports therapist should be able to modify the input … the peripheral receptors and thus influence the excitability … the alpha motor neurons. 3. The discharge … motor neurons can be facilitated by peripheral stimulation, which causes afferent impulses to make contact with excitatory neurons and results … increased muscle tone or strength … voluntary contraction. 4. Motor neurons an also be inhibited … peripheral stimulation, which causes afferent impulses to make contact with inhibitory neurons, thus resulting … muscle relaxation and allowing for stretching … the muscle. 5. To indicate any technique … which input from peripheral receptors is used to facilitate or inhibit, PNF should be used.

  PNF stretching technique

5.10. Ask questions to the words in italic.

1. Two neurophysiologic phenomena help to explain facilitation and inhibition of the neuromuscular systems. 2. The first is known as autogenic inhibition and is defined as inhibition that is mediated by afferent fibres from a stretched muscle acting on the alpha motor neurons supplying that muscle, thus causing it to relax. 3. When a muscle is stretched, motor neurons supplying that muscle receive both excitatory and inhibitory impulses from the receptors. 4. If the stretch is continued for a slightly extended period of time, the inhibitory signals from the Golgi tendon organs eventually override the excitatory impulses and therefore cause relaxation. 5. Inhibitory motor neurons receive impulses from the Golgi tendon organs. 6. The muscle spindle creates an initial reflex excitation leading to contraction. 7. The Golgi tendon organs apparently send inhibitory impulses that last for the duration of increased tension (resulting from either passive stretch or active contraction) and eventually dominate the weaker impulses from the muscle spindle. 8. This inhibition seems to protect the muscle against injury from reflex contractions resulting from excessive stretch.

5.11. Make the following sentences interrogative.

1. A second mechanism known as reciprocal inhibition deals with the relationships of the agonist and antagonist muscles. 2. The muscles that contract to produce joint motion are referred to as agonists, and the resulting movement is called an agonistic pattern. 3. The muscles that stretch to allow the agonist pattern to occur are referred to as antagonists. 4. Movement that occurs directly opposite to the agonist pattern is called the antagonist pattern. 5. When motor neurons of the agonist muscle receive excitatory impulses from afferent nerves, the motor neurons that supply the antagonist muscles are inhibited by afferent impulses. 6. Thus contraction or extended stretch of the agonist muscle must elicit relaxation or inhibit the antagonist. 7. Likewise, a quick stretch of the antagonist muscle facilitates a contraction of the agonist. 8. For facilitating or inhibiting motion, PNF relies heavily on the actions of these agonist and antagonist muscle groups.

5.12. Give a talk on “Mobilization and Traction Technique in Rehabilitation”.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 379 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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