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As a component of physical therapy

1. Sports therapists must adapt rehabilitation to the sport-specific demands required by each sport and playing position. Rehabilitation conducted in a clinical setting cannot predict the effectiveness of the injured part to endure the imposed demands of full competition. For example, a solid, high-velocity tackle cannot be simulated in the clinical setting. The role of the functional progression is to improve and complete the clinical rehabilitation. A functional progression is a succession of activities that simulate actual motor and sport skills, enabling the athlete to acquire or reacquire the skills needed to perform athletic endeavours safely and effectively.

2. The sports therapist takes the activities involved in a given sport and breaks them down into individual components. In this way the athlete concentrates on individual parts of the game or activity in a controlled environment before combining them together in an uncontrolled environment such as full competition. The functional progression places stresses and forces on each body system in a well-planned, positive, and progressive fashion, ultimately improving the athlete's overall ability to meet the demands placed upon him or her in daily activities, as well as in sports competition.

3. The functional progression is indicated since tissues not placed under performance-level stresses do not adapt to the sudden return of such stresses with the resumption of full activity. Thus the functional progression is integrated into the normal rehabilitation scheme as one component of exercise therapy rather than replacing traditional rehabilitation altogether.

4. Generally, rehabilitation of sports-related injuries has two goals: minimizing additional trauma to injured structures and safely and quickly returning injured athletes to prior levels of competition. The second rehabilitation goal is divided into three main stages: immediate, short-term, and long-term goals. The immediate goal stage begins at the time of injury and involves the treatment or management of the injury. This includes protection from further injury, restricted activity, and controls to minimize pain and swelling.

5. The short-term goal stage deals with the healing process, enabling the symptoms and level of dysfunction to subside. Also during this stage, uninvolved body parts can be exercised to maintain normal function and fitness levels. The long-term goal stage overlaps the short-term goal stage and progresses to a point of full return to activity. Once the athlete meets criteria to return to controlled activity, exercise therapy is begun. The functional pro­gression serves as a component of exercise therapy to help the athlete meet the preset criteria for return to play.

3.1. Read and translate a text “Functional Progression as a Component of

Physical Therapy”.

3.2. Name the paragraphs of the text.

3.3. Do a written translation of Paragraphs 1 and 5.

3.4. Define the grammar tense of the predicate in Paragraph 2.

3.5. Which of the forms of Grammar Voice is used for the predicate in Paragraph 3.

  tissues; a full range; crucial; proper length; tighten; functional progression  

3.6. Make the sentences in Paragraph 4 negative.’

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 311 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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