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Of cardiorespiratory endurance

The sports therapist should routinely incorporate activities that will help maintain levels of cardiorespiratory endurance into the rehabilitation program. Cardiorespiratory endurance involves the coordinated function of the heart, lungs, blood, and blood vessels to supply sufficient amounts of oxygen to the working tissues.

The best indicator of how efficiently the cardiorespiratory system functions is the maximal rate at which oxygen can be used by the tissues. Heart rate is directly related to the rate of oxygen consumption. It is therefore possible to predict the intensity of the work in terms of a rate of oxygen use by monitoring heart rate.

Aerobic exercise involves an activity in which the level of intensity and duration is low enough to provide a sufficient amount of oxygen to supply the demands of the working tissues. In anaerobic exercise the intensity of the activity is so high that oxygen is being used more quickly than it can be supplied, thus an oxygen debt is incurred that must be repaid before working tissue can return to its normal resting state.

Continuous or sustained training for maintenance of cardiorespiratory endurance involves selecting an activity that is aerobic in nature and training at least three times per week for a time period of no less than 20 minutes with the heart rate elevated to at least 60% of maximal rate.

Interval training involves alternating periods of relatively intense work followed by active recovery periods. Interval training allows performance of more work at a relatively higher work load than continuous training. During rehabilitation, continuous and interval training techniques should be incorporated.

Fartlek makes use of jogging or running over varying types of terrain atchanging speeds. Par cours is a training technique that combines continuous training with exercises done at stations along the course.

2.1. Listen to the text “Maintenance of Cardiorespiratory Endurance.”

2.2. Read and translate the text.

2.3. Answer the questions on the text.

1. How can the sport therapist maintain levels of cardiorespiratory endurance?

2. What does cardiorespiratory endurance involve? 3. What is the best indicator of how efficiently the cardiorespiratory system functions? 4. What is directly related to the rate of oxygen consumption? 5. Why is it possible to predict the intensity of the work? 6. What kind of activity does aerobic exercise involve? 7. How high is the intensity of the activity in anaerobic exercise? 8. What kind of activity is continuous or sustained training for maintenance of cardiorespiratory endurance? 9. What does interval training involve? 10. What does interval training allow? 11. Should continuous training techniques be incorporated during rehabilitation or should interval training? 12. What is Fartlek? 13. What kind of a training technique is Par cours?

2.4. Find English equivalents for the following.

обычно, включать в состав/вводить в число, деятельность/мероприятия, поддерживать/сохранять, кардиореспираторная выносливость, подразумевать/ предполагать, легкие, кровяные сосуды, поставлять/доставлять, достаточное количество, кислород, ткани, лучший показатель, функционировать/действовать, максимальная скорость, ЧСС, с точки зрения, напрямую связано, потребление/ усвоение, следовательно, предсказывать, съем показателей/мониторинг, вовлекать, уровень, длительность, низкий, достаточно, обеспечивать, достаточ-ное количество, удовлетворить потребности, высокий, таким образом, кислородный долг растет, возмещать, нормальное состояние покоя, длительный, непрерывный, предполагает подбор деятельности, по характеру, по меньшей мере, трижды в неделю, не менее чем, повышенный/поднятый, перемежающийся / чередующийся, относительный, восстановительный период, позволять/давать возможность, выполнять больше работы, относительно высокая рабочая нагрузка, бег трусцой, разнообразные типы, местность, с различной скоростью, пункт, маршрут, вдоль

2.5. Open the brackets and put the verbs into a proper tense form.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 468 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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