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Cardiorespiratory endurance. I. Listen, read, translate and remember the key words and phrases on the unit

I. Listen, read, translate and remember the key words and phrases on the unit.

a) velocity, resistance, tension, force, push, pull, torque, curve, sequence, ratio,

shape, deficit, advance, care, majority, tool, disadvantage, datum, property,

implementation, gain, variable, output, emphasis, heat, boredom, lack, asset,

awareness, consideration; relevance; blend, demand, extremity, chain, tibia, hip,

flexion, hamstring, majority, extension, threat, axe, translation, bottom, femur, surface, death, cell, consumption, workload, liver, adipose, duration, exertion, source, nutrient, breakdown, carbohydrate, dietary, feedback, outburst, fat, protein, vessel, obstacle, capability, capacity, benefit, callisthenics, evaluation,

appreciation, implication, spindle, posture, input, consciousness, controversy, perception, device, threshold, touch, susceptibility, recurrence, differentiation

b) to describe, to occur, to generate, to match, to achieve, to apply, to remain, to evaluate, to interfere, to afford, to precede, to emerge, to augment, to trace, to establish, to supervise, to facilitate, to supply, to fix, to reduce, to comprise, to quantify, to constraint, to pivot, to exert, to negate, to flex, to tolerate, to handle, to miss, to substitute, to maintain, to monitor, to estimate, to fill up, to derive, to store, to convert, to metabolize, to deplete, to rely, to determine, to incur, to predict, to incorporate, to necessitate, to subserve, to splint, to adjust, to alter, to emanate, to initiate, to appreciate, to encourage, to encompass, to restrain

c) constant, angular, variable, accommodating, rotational, multiplied, consistent,

familiarized, specific, primary, substantial(ly), quantifiable, interchangeable,

rare(ly), ensuing, inherent, numerous, dependent, contradictory, prescribed, sound, knowledgeable, multiple, distal, mobile, anterior, rigid, compressive, overlapping, safe, immovable, predictable, proximal, shear, resistive, rapid(ly), extended, alternative, extended, immediate, ultimately, venous, gradual, apparent, approximately, dietary, available, adipose, submaximal, sudden, usable, simultaneously, (in)sufficient, mediated, afferent, distinct, partial, cognitive, voluntary, conscious(ly), articular, insidious

d) once, throughout, although, respectively, while, in particular, conversely, thus,

toward, regardless of, therefore, a great deal, predominantly, to a large extent

e) average range; yielding muscle contraction; specialized proficiency; to take advantage; common sense, circuit training; time frame; exercise set; high-energy put activities; closed-kinetic chain system; ACL (anterior cruciate ligament); patellofemoral joint; a means; by definition; relatively little consideration is given; pumping mechanism; oxygenated blood; pulmonary vessels; carbon dioxide; heart rate; V02, max., stroke volume; cardiac output; surrounding environment; ATP (adenosine troposphere); oxygen debt; lactic acid; brain stem; motor cortex; basal ganglia; cerebellum

II. Text I

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 384 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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