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Isometric exercise

are capable; length; contraction; systolic blood pressure; specific; dramatically; angle of exertion; isometric exercises; breathing; contraction
1. An isometric exercise involves a muscle … in which the … of the muscle remains constant, while tension develops toward a maximal force against an immovable resistance. 2. Isometric exercises … … of increasing muscular strength. 3. However, strength gains are relatively … with as much as a 20% overflow to the joint angle at which training is performed. 4. At other angles, the strength curve drops off … because of a lack of motor activity at that angle. 5. Thus strength is increased at the specific Isometric exercises. Isometric exercises involve contraction against some immovable resistance.
… … …, but there is no corresponding increase in strength at other positions in the range of motion. 6. Another major disadvantage of these … … is that they tend to produce a spike in systolic blood pressure that can result in potentially life-threatening cardiovascular accidents. 7. This sharp increase in … … … results from a Valsalva maneuver, which increases intrathoracic pressure. 8. To avoid or minimize this effect, it is recommended that … be done during the maximal … to prevent this increase in pressure.  

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Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 513 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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