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Maturation-remodeling phase

1. The maturation-remodeling phase … healing is a long-term process. 2. This phase features a realignment or remodeling … the collagen fibers that make up scar tissue according to the tensile forces to which that scar is subjected. 3. Ongoing breakdown and synthesis … collagen occur with a steady increase … the tensile strength … the scar matrix. 4. With increased stress and strain the collagen fibers realign … a position … maximum efficiency parallel to the lines … tension. 5. The tension gradually assumes … normal appearance and function, although a scar is rarely as strong as the normal injured tissue. 6. Usually … the end … approximately 3 weeks, a firm, strong, contracted, nonvascular scar exists. 7. The maturation phase … healing may require several years to be totally complete.

4.11. Match the terms from one column with their descriptions from another one.

  MUSCLE SPASM A The increased pressure caused by swelling retards the healing process, causes separation of tissues, inhibits neuromuscular control, produces reflexive neuro-logical changes, and impedes nutrition in the injured part. It is best controlled and managed during the initial first-aid management period as described previously.
  POOR VASCULAR SUPPLY B Bleeding occurs with even the smallest amount of damage to the capillaries. Bleeding produces the same negative effects on healing as does the accumulation of edema, and its presence produces additional tissue damage and thus exacerbation of the injury.
  INFECTION C Injuries to tissues with a poor vascular supply heal poorly and at a slow rate. This response is likely related to a failure in the initial delivery of phagocytic cells and fibroblasts necessary for scar formation.
  KELOIDS AND HYPERTROPHIC SCARS D Mechanical separation of tissue can significantly impact the course of healing. A wound that has smooth edges that are in good apposition will tend to heal by primary intention with minimal scarring. Conversely, a wound that has jagged, separated edges must heal by secondary intention, with granulation tissue filling the defect and excessive scarring.
  SEPARATION OF TISSUE E It causes traction on the torn tissue, separates the two ends, and prevents approximation. Local and generalized ischemia may result from spasm.
  CORTICOSTEROIDS F Wasting away of muscle tissue begins immediately with injury. Strengthening and early mobilization of the injured structure retard atrophy.  
  ATROPHY G Use of corticosteroids in the treatment of inflammation is controversial. Steroid use in the early stages of healing has been demonstrated to inhibit fibroplasia, capillary proliferation, collagen synthesis, and increases in tensile strength of the healing scar. Their use in the later stages of healing and with chronic inflammation is debatable.
  EDEMA H Keloids occur when the rate of collagen production exceeds the rate of collagen breakdown during the maturation phase of healing. This process leads to hypertrophy of scar tissue, particularly around the periphery of the wound.
  HEMORRHAGE J The presence of bacteria in the wound can delay healing, causes excessive granulation tissue, and frequently causes large, deformed scars.

4.12. Open the brackets and use the verb in a proper Tense and Voice form.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 600 | Нарушение авторского права страницы

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