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Understanding the healing process

Rehabilitation programs must be based on the framework of the healing process. The sports therapist must have a sound understanding of that process in terms of the sequence of the various phases of healing that take place. Decisions on how and when to alter and progress a rehabilitation program should be primarily based on recognition of signs and symptoms, as well as some awareness of the time frames associated with the various phases of healing.

Basically the healing process consists of the inflammatory response phase, the fibroblastic-repair phase, and the maturation-remodeling phase. It must be stressed that although the phases of healing are presented as three separate entities, the healing process is a continuum. Phases of the healing process overlap one another and have no definitive beginning or end points.

4.1. Listen to the text “Understanding the Healing Process”.

4.2. Read and translate the text.

4.3. Answer the questions on the text.

1. What must rehabilitation programs be based on? 2. How should the sports

therapist understand the healing process? 3. What factors stipulate the decisions on how and when to alter and progress a rehabilitation program? 4. What are the basic phases of the healing process? 5. Are the phases of the healing process overlapped or distinctly separated?

4.4. Find in the text English equivalents for the following.

решения, фаза достижения полного выздоровления и ремоделирования, базироваться /строиться на, иметь отчетливое понимание, фибробластная восстановительная фаза, заходить один на другой /наслаиваться, различный, с точки зрения, проходить /иметь место, воспалительный, определенный /четкий, хотя, узнавание, знак / признак, переделывать /меняться, одно единое целое, развивать /двигать вперед, реакция /отклик, осведомленность /осознание, временные рамки /сроки, структура, последовательность, главным образом, представлены в виде трех отдельных этапов

4.5. Open the brackets and put the verbs into proper tense form.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 320 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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