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Задание 2. Заполните пропуски в предложениях неопределенным или определенным артиклями, где это необходимо

1. Jason’s father bought him ____ bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday. 2. _____ Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from _____ France to ____ United States. 3. Rita is studying ____ English and ____ Maths this semester. 4. Please, give me ____ cup of ____ coffee with ____ cream and ____ sugar. 5. No one in ____ Spanish class knew ____ correct answer to ____ Mrs. Perez’s question. 6. My _____ car is four years old, and it still runs well. 7. When you go to _____ store, please buy _____ bottle of _____ chocolate milk and _____ dozen of oranges. 8. There are only ____ few seats left for ____ tonight’s musical at _____ university. 9. John and Marcy went to _____ school yesterday and then studied in _____ library. 10. ____ Lake Erie is one of ___ Five Great Lakes in ____ North America. 11. ____ Mount Rushmore is the site of ______ magnificent tribute to _____ four great American presidents. 12. What did you eat for ______ breakfast this morning? 13. Louie played _____ basketball and ____ baseball at ____ Boys’ Club thus year. 14. Rita plays ____ violin and her sister plays ____ guitar. 15. While we were in ____ Alaska, we saw _____ Eskimo village. 16. Phil can’t go to ____ movies tonight because he has to write ____ essay. 17. David attended ____ Princeton University.

Задание 3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. You know, we are going to ____ tea with ___Smiths today.

A _,_ C _, the

B the,_ D a, the

2. ___cats are domestic animals; _____ cat was domestic many centuries ago.

A _,the C _,_

B The, a D _,a

3. ____people next door have invited us over for ____ drink.

A _,_ C a, the

B the, a D the, _

4. What you think is _____ rubbish today, might be ____ treasure tomorrow.

A the, the C _,_

B _, a D the, _

5. I need ___ visa to __ Sudan.

A _,_ C a, the

B the, the D _, the

6. There are ___theaters and ___ Savoy Hotel in ___ Strand.

A the, the, the C _, the, the

B _, _, the D the, the, _

7. It is ___ pleasure to do ___ business with such _____ efficient organization.

A _, the, _ C a, _, an

B the, the, an D _, _, _

Дата публикования: 2015-02-22; Прочитано: 901 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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