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Рекомендации к оформлению личного письма. 1. Адрес отправителя представляет заглавную строчку в начале письма в правом верхнем углу

1. Адрес отправителя представляет заглавную строчку в начале письма в правом верхнем углу. В адресе не должно быть никаких знаков препинания. Сначала указывается номер дома, затем название улицы, город и код: 38 Manor Way Dyfed DY7 9SH.

2.Дата приводится сразу после адреса отправителя. Например: 9 April 2011.

3. Письмо начинается с обращения. После обращения ставится запятая. Варианты обращения:

Dear John,

Dear Aunt Jane,

4. В начале письма Вы выражаете благодарность за ранее полученное письмо:

Thank you for your letter..., Many thanks for..., I was glad to get your letter..., How nice of you to..., etc.

5. Далее следует извиниться, если вы долго не писали:

Sorry, I haven't written for so long..., I must apologize for not writing..., I really should have written sooner..., etc.

6. Далее следует основное содержание письма.

Начальные фразы письма:

How are you?

I'm writing to ask for...

I'm writing to tell you that we are going to be in Providence during Christmas time.

I'm writing to ask you if you would come to dinner/lunch …etc.

При написании письма следует соблюдать абзацы и употреблять слова и фразы, которые часто употребляются и в устном разговоре: Can you believe it? So you can imagine what it was like! Luckily, we didn't..., Anyway we are..., etc.

7. В конце письма используются следующие заключительные фразы: I'т looking forward to hearing from you..., Don't forget to write..., I'11 write again soon..., Hope to hear from you soon…, etc.

8. Завершить письмо можно одной из следующих фраз:

Lots of love, Love, Best wishes, All the best, Yours. После этих фраз ставится запятая и следует подпись. Личные письма подписываются без указания фамилии.

Варианты подписи:

Sincerely yours,


With all good wishes,


With best wishes,


38 Manor Way

Dyfed DY7 9SH

4 June 2002

Dear Felix,

I was glad to get your letter. Sorry I didn't get in touch before, but...


Hope to hear from you soon.

All the best,


Appendix 4

Making a Presentation

Most presentations are divided into 3 main parts (+ questions):

  INTRODUCTION Questions  


The introduction is a very important - perhaps the most important - part of your presentation. This is the first impression that your audience have of you. You should concentrate on getting your introduction right. You should use the introduction to:

1. welcome your audience

2. introduce your subject

3. outline the structure of your presentation

4. give instructions about questions

The following table shows examples of language for each of these functions. You may need to modify the language as appropriate.

  Function Possible language
  I IN T R O D U C T I O N     INTRODUCTION 1.Welcoming your audience   Good morning, ladies and gentlemen Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman Good afternoon, everybody
    2. Introducing your subject I am going to talk today about... The purpose of my presentation is to introduce our new range of...
3.Outlining your structure • To start with I’ll describe the progress made this year Then I’ll mention… After that I’ll consider … Finally, I’ll summarize my presentation
4. Giving instructions Do feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions I'll try to answer all of your questions after the presentation, about questions I plan to keep some time for questions after the presentation.    
B O D Y   Firstly… Secondly… To begin, let’s look at I’d like to emphasize… Let’s move on…
C O N C L U S I O N 1. Summing up In conclusion… Now, to sum up… So let me summarize
2. Giving recommendations My recommendations are… I suggest the following…
3 Thanking your audience Many thanks for your attention
4. Inviting questions Now, I’ll try to answer your questions Are there any questions? Do you have any questions/

Questions are a good opportunity for you to interact with your audience. It may be helpful for you to try to predict what questions will be asked so that you can prepare your response in advance. You may wish to accept questions at any time during your presentation, or to keep a time for questions after your presentation. Normally, it's your decision, and you should make it clear during the introduction. Be polite with all questioners, even if they ask difficult questions. They are showing interest in what you have to say and they deserve attention. Sometimes you can reformulate a question. Or answer the question with another question. Or even ask for comment from the rest of the audience.



Список использованной литературы


1. Грамматика английского языка в таблицах и схемах. – СПб, ООО «Полиграфуслуги», 2005. – 96 с.

2. Истомина Е.А. Английская грамматика. Теория и практика для начинающих. – М.: «ВЛАДОС», 2004. – 319 с.

3.Филюшкина Л.Т. Сборник упражнений к учебнику английского языка Н.А.Бонк, Н.А.Котий, Л.Г.Лукьяновой /Л.Т.Филюшкина, М.П.Фролова

М.:Междунар.отношения, 1999. – 160 с.

4. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика: сборник упражнений / Ю.Б.Голицинский – СПб.: КАРО, 2003. – 544 с.

5.Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use (for intermediate students). Cambridge University Press, 1997.

6. Chris C. Pinney. The Complete Home Veterinary Guide. – New York, 2004. – 340 p.

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