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The primary implement of clay cultivation is the garden fork. Clay soils present a variety of woes to the potential gardener: sticky, muddy surfaces, long-lasting puddles and poor drainage. Gardeners faced with difficult soil conditions shouldn't feel like they are stuck in the mud. There are many effective methods of tilling, amending, cultivating and correcting cantankerous clay clods. With willingness to get dirty, would-be farmers won't have a problem tilling clay soil.

Instructions. Things you'll need: rake, stones, a garden fork, compost, mulch, bow rake.

1. Prepare the planting area. Clear the area to be tilled of rocks, rubbish and other unsuitable materials. Use a rake to pull large quantities of waste and inorganic matter away from the planting site.

2. Determine the boundaries of the planting area. If desired, mark the boundaries of the planting site using stones from the surrounding area.

3. Thoroughly till the planting site with a garden fork. Sink the garden fork into the clay soil, pull up a portion of the soil and turn it onto the ground. Break large chunks of soil by smashing them with the side of the garden fork or piercing and twisting with the fork's tines. Tread lightly on tilled clay soils. Continue to pierce, pull and break clay soils with the garden fork until the entire area is tilled to the depth required by your crops. Breaking the soil into small chunks allows root penetration, water permeation and soil aeration.

4. Amend the clay soil with compost. Add compost to the turned clay soils to improve its composition. Pure clay soil is a poor planting medium. Spread compost across the surface of the planting area. Use a rake to evenly distribute the compost across the clay soils. Use the garden fork to pierce, pull and turn until the compost combines with the clay soil. Add and combine compost with clay soil until the mixture breaks down into small chunks or crumbs.

5. Apply mulch to the surface of the planting area. A layer of mulch will help the clay soils beneath to remain moist; a moist soil requires less cultivation than a crusty, dry soil. Spread a one-inch-thick layer of mulch across the planting area.

6. Even and level the mulch using a bow rake.


Дата публикования: 2015-02-22; Прочитано: 506 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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