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The Attribute

Ex. 672. Say what the attributes are expressed by in the following sentences.

I. It was a gorgeous morning, much too gorgeous to waste. 2. After lunch at the zoo cafe, the children went to the reptile house. 3. The zoo director himself made a cup of strong sweet tea for Aunt Petunia. 4. He was the first to make a first step. 5. This old woman has the power to see the past and the future. 6. Old people have a habit of forgetting things. 7. The police warned the tourists that there were pickpockets operating in the area. 8. There were no rooms to be had anywhere. 9. Harry had never in all his life had such a Christmas dinner. 10. The room looked like an unused classroom. II. Some herbs have astonishing powers. 12. The idea of visiting Scotland was wonderful. 13. This is my file, your files are on the upper shelf. 14. The professor looked at them very seriously over the top of his half-moon glasses. 15. Merry Christmas! What a glorious season!

Ex. 673. Read the following sentences and translate them into Russian. Pay special attention to the attributes in bold type.

1. Before Christmas a lot of people go shopping for last-minute gifts. 2. Whenever I feel depressed, I take an "away-from-it-all" holiday and head for my century-old house. 3. This play has become a "once-a-year" treat. 4. You always were a regular old mother hen, even when you were little. 5. Santa Barbara is a must-see city on California's Riviera. 6. This is an easy-to-make soup for a hot day. 7. She made an excuse-me face. 8. Maxim was not a nine-to-five man. 9. He behaved in an I-don't-care attitude. 10. Sue Townsend's marvellous novels are not-to-be-missed books which have become English classic literature. 11. A pay-as-you-go system is practised here.

12. You are my true-blue friend. 13. It was a life-changing event. 14. Most drugs have a five-year shelf life. 14. She gave me a bored, nothing-to-do-with-me shrug. 15. Theirs was a cat-and-dog life.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 844 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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