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Ex. 640. A. Replace the nouns in bold type by the corresponding pronouns

1. Here is the key. 2. Off went the girl, her nose in the air. 3. Out rushed the scared people. 4. In came the headmistress. 5. Down went the elevator. 6. Up went the rocket. 7. Down came a heavy snowball. 8. The teacher blew a whistle and off ran the children. 9. Off sped the boat toward land. 378

B. Replace the pronouns in bold type by the nouns in brackets.

1. The referee whistled, and in they ran. (the boxers) 2. There you go. (the buyers) 3. Up it flew, (the kite) 4. Down they came, (the prices) 5. Now it comes, (our turn) 6. Off she walked. (Miss Honey) 7. High up it rose, (the helicopter) 8. Off it flew through the open window, (the owl)

Ex. 641. Read and translate the sentences. Pay attention to the word order in the responses.

1. The boss will be at the office tomorrow, and so will the secretary. 2. Bill isn't married and neither is his elder brother. 3. — You look upset, Taras. — So I am. 4.1 have never been to France. Neither has my husband. 5. Sue is wearing jeans today and so is Tracey. 6. — He seems to know everything. — So he does. 7. My parents were at home last night, and so was I. 8. Natasha went to a movie on Saturday, and so did Andrew. 9.1 didn't see that show, and neither did my friends. 10. Monica lives in an apartment. And so does Mel. 11. Our teacher can't speak Japanese, and neither can we. 12. — I think he has to study hard. — So he does. 13. — They did not pass the interview. — Neither did Tatyana. 14. — It's very hot in here. — So it is. 15. — You are a great cook! — So I am.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 1054 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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