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What Singing Can Do for You

1. Drive away stress.

Singing for pleasure can mean getting in touch with emotions that you've tried to bury. Singing unlocks a feeling that you've had inside for ages allowing you to feel refreshed and renewed.

2. Give you more confidence.

You may not believe it, but singing can become addictive! Many singers are hooked: they say it (singing) gives them more confidence. Maybe you've enjoyed singing in the bath or in the car, but haven't had the confidence to sing in other situations. Very often you start off in a whisper but, by the end of the weekend, you're singing your heart out.

3. Boost your energy.

Singing has clear physical benefits as well. Specialists say that singing is a very physical activity. The key to doing it well is being able to breathe properly. Most people get into bad habits and breathe shallowly from the chest. But this is the least efficient way to get oxygen surging through the body because it doesn't put enough air into the lower lungs.

If you breathe fully through your nose, expanding the lower lungs exhaling fully, not only will you see an amazing transformation in your singing, but you'll also find that you have more energy and feel healthier in general. Singing tones up the diaphragm and all the muscles around the ribs and back. It also tones up the face muscles, which is why so many singers tend to look much younger than their actual age. And if you can't bear the thought of doing aerobic exercise, then this may be just the hobby for you!

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 820 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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